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Two weeks of the honeymoon flew like one day.
Yue and Dylan have already established their daily routine. Every morning they had breakfast together and went for a walk around the city or its surroundings, at lunchtime or evenings they went to dinner at a small restaurant on the coast, with the owners of which Dylan was familiar for a long time. And on one of those days, during the evening girly conversations with the restaurant mistress, Yue began to think about some things that she had never thought about before.


Two days later, after their arrival in Italy, Dylan and Yue finally decided that they could not spend the whole month in bed when there was so much beauty around.

"Yue, tonight we'll go eat lasagna in one very cozy place." Dylan said excitedly, taking his tired wife by the hand and helping her out of bed. "I want to introduce you to one beautiful family who are the owners of this place . You will lick your fingers, Catharina's lasagna is just amazing. But first, I'll show you the city."

Yue smiled at his admiring childish face and shook her head. How can this man be a little boy and a passionate man at the same time? She thought. "Well, just give me time to take a shower and change clothes.

Yue smiled at his admiring childish face and shook her head. How can this man be a little boy and a passionate man at the same time. She thought. Well, just give me time to take a shower and change clothes.


After two hours of scrolling around the city, they slowly walked along the promenade of the Lake Como, to a small restaurant with pretty tables dressed in a flower tablecloth, with carved white chairs and red awnings on the terrace, barely fluttering in the light breeze.

Going inside, Dylan helped his wife sit at the table and went into the kitchen.
After a moment, Yue heard loud cries of a temperamental Italian and a ringing laugh of a man.
Without taking her eyes off the door leading to the kitchen, she waited curiously. Several minutes passed before kitchen doors opened and Dylan happily approached her, accompanied by a man and a woman.

Taking her hand he looked into her eyes.

"Yue, this is my Italian family, Stefano and Catharina Pozzi, they are the owners of this place and wonderful people." He said with a smile on his face.

The couple with warm and kind eyes looked at her.

"Buona sera, piacere di conoscerti"
(Good evening, nice to meet you.) She said embarrassed by her pronunciation and extended her hand for a handshake, but unexpectedly for her, Catharina grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into a warm embrace, from which Yue felt very relaxed and comfortable in her heart.
Before she could get used to the embrace of a woman, she immediately felt the strong embrace of Stefano, who pulled her to him.

She blushed because of their behavior. She was not used to this kind of thing

Saying something to Dylan, Catharina smiled looking at Yue.

"She says that you should be happy that you got such a handsome husband." He winked at her playfully

"Oh, coooome on, naughty boy. Not trueeee....I said that you should be happy that you have such a lovely wife." laughed woman, slapping him on the shoulder. "Yue, you are very sweet, I am also pleased to meet you dear. Welcome to our family." Catharina said smilingly.

"Oh. How wonderful that you know English, I thought that I would only have to communicate with Di this whole month." laughed, Yue, for which she received in reply from Dylan a sulky stares.

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