you want to know a secret?

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"Dylan, I'm telling you, I'm fine.  No need to worry." Yue urged, hoping her husband would calm down.  But Dylan was so alarmed by her recent condition that he endlessly asked her to go to the doctor.

"Are you sure you feel better?  And what if in half an hour you start to feel sick again?  I don't ask you to go to the hospital, just consult with the doctor, Yue."

"Arghhh.  Wang He Di !!!  Stop doing that.  Catharina will come soon, everything will be fine with me." Her patience was already running out. She absolutely did not want to quarrel with him, but her emotions did not give in to control, a little more and she felt that she was going to break loose.

Dylan looked at her in surprise and frowned.

"What "Why?" "
She turned with displeasure.

"Why are you waiting for her, why aren't you going to the doctor with your husband?"
He asked, piercingly looking into her eyes.

"Dylan ... You're so annoying, please, let's just wait for her.  I'm sure I'm healthy, no need to go to the doctor, okay?
I will lie down for half an hour and everything will be fine." tried to smile at Yue.  The notes of irritation in her voice made Dylan close his mouth and no longer bother her, especially since he needed to speak with Xize before the meeting.  "You are too nervous, you know, I think I better leave, otherwise it will not end good, you do not understand my feelings and my worries.  We'll talk when you will be in better mood" He said and slammed the door.

Yue pursed her lips, looking at the door, the tears were ready to salt out of her eyes at any second.  She took a breath and looked at the lake.  "There is at least something that really calms me down." She said to herself.

A few hours later, Yue and Catharina were talking on the balcony.  Dylan was at this time in an online conference with Xize and several other employees.

"How do you feel?" Smiling woman put her hand on her knee.

"Nausea is almost gone, but I'm very worried." Looking down at her belly, she said.

"Do a test?" Catharina handed her a small box.

Hesitating a little, Yue took it and stood up.

"Good luck." Smiled Italian.

It took about 10 minutes, but Yue still did not return.  Catharina began to worry about her, having waited a minute more, she walked to the bathroom door and knocked quietly.

"Yue, are you ok?"


Pov Yue

Having made the test, I no longer doubted my pregnancy.  I can not say exactly how long I looked in the mirror trying to find myself in reflection.

The first feeling I felt was shock, then fear, confusion, I wanted to cry, and perhaps it is harmonies.  What to do?  How to say?  Everything will not be like before?
Hearing a knock at the door and Catharina's worried voice, I opened the door with a shaking hand. 
I don't know how looked my face at that moment, but Catharina suddenly hugged me with the words "Everything will be alright", tears welled up in my eyes and I hugged her back in response and sighed.

"Positive?" She asked and I nodded.
"Dear congratulations, don't worry about anything.  Sure didi will be so happy"

I walked away from her and wiped away tears, shook my head. 
"I am not ready to tell him.
I understand that he has the right to know, but I'm really not ready now, I need to get used to this thought, to my condition."

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