In vino veritas in aqua sanitas ll

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"Drinking a bottle of wine, you fill it with your soul", Gerard de Nerval

After eating with the owners, guys went to the vineyard, accompanied by Jerry.

"Guys, I'll give you a basket.  You can choose each grape variety.  And collect ripe grapes in the basket.  Then we take them to the winery and prepare it  for future wines."

"And what will happen if we mix several sorts ?" Jia asked.

"Among these sorts there are no matching ones. Wine may turn out too sour." Jerry answered.

"Oh.I see. Okay" She said.

Guys collected grapes and took it to the winery. Then they went over it and put it in wooden containers.

"Now you need to squeeze the juice"
Jerry smiled and handed aprons to the girls and boys.

"Wow... squeeze the juuuicee" whispered Di to Yue's hear.

She looked at him and shook her head.

"With bare hands?"
"And what about wash? We will not wash it?" The chorus began to ask Jerry

At this time Firman came to them and smiled upon hearing their questions.  He spoke in French with Jerry and then he told them why the grapes do not need to be washed and why it is best to knead them with hands or with a special wooden press.

Each couple made their own wine.
Having washed and dried their hands, they began to knead the grapes.

"I like to knead it, it's so nice." smiled Yue.

"Yeah. And even more interesting to watch how you do it. I am so tired today. Can you do it with my back?" said Di with a smirk on his face.
Yue giggled and continued to knead the berries.

Then they added sugar to it and poured juice into special containers and went to a wine tasting.

"These are bottles for your wines. On the labels you can write what you want. Then we stick them on the bottle. When your wines are fully prepared, we will send them to you." Jerome said handing out an empty wine bottle to each couple.

"What do you want to write?" Yue asked.

Dylan answered with a little thought.
"Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth." Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

"I like it" Yue smiled in delight.
"The moon is me, the sun is you, and the truth is in wine. Perfect."

"And how do we call our bottle?" Dylan smiled.

"I came up with something ... ummm. DiYue. 2019 Chateau de Tracy
What do you think?"

"Cool. DiYue" He repeated with a smile and pecked at her head.

Guys put the labels on the bottles and returned them to Monsieur Firman.
Finally, Jerome brought a few bottles of wine and cheese.

The couples had a lot of fun tasting wine and listening to stories about it from Jerry.

Jia called Yue to the bathroom with her.

"Oh. I seem drunk." Jia laughed.

"So do I. I'm a little dizzy." Yue said and they giggled together.

"Yue, I wanted to ask you ... do you have those pills that Annie advised us to?"

"Not. I just wanted to ask you the same thing. I forgot to take them, and when I got into my bag I simply did not find it. But I remember exactly that I put them in my purse." Yue answered.

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