Day III(night)... Day VI

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"Why so long? I turned into a tree and my roots grew while I waited for you." laughed Xize, but saw the disgruntled face of Dylan he stopped. "Smile, this is your last bachelor night bro"

Dylan rolled his eyes.
"Of course...of course. I would look at you, how you would smile thinking that a half-naked bastard was entertaining your bride."

Xize barely restrained so as not to burst out laughing again. "Why should it be a half naked bastard?"

Dylan looked at him irritably and sighed.

"Okay...It does not matter, we are going to have fun get in the car." said Xize patting him on the back.
"Give me your phone, you look at it all the time. I will return it as soon as we arrive."
"Are you kidding?" Di was indignant.
"Not. I am serious." Xize answered by extending his hand and Di shrugged and put the phone in his palm.
"She doesn't call me anyway." He said with a sigh.

The road took half an hour, Dylan was silent, Xize glanced at him, smiling.
"You don't look like a guy whose wedding is tomorrow. You marry a girl you love, why are you so gloomy? You have not even asked where we are going."

"Where are we going?" he asked finally

"We are going to return your good mood." Smiled Xize .

"Great, do you think my mood will improve in the spa?" Dylan snorted.

"Hah...You can not imagine how much you'll like here."
Winked Xize.

Parked the car, both guys went inside. The girl at the reception smiled playfully and escorted them to the VIP area.

"Since when do you have fun in spa salons?" He frowned in disbelief.  "I hope there is not some kind of idiotic setup, like easy girls  or naked masseuses."

"You wanted to say I hope they are here, I guess." Laughed Xize

"I can't say when I became interested in going to the spa, but I am sure that it is very good uplifting." Kuan smiled entering the room. "Especially naked masseuses." He whispered in Dylan's ear.
"And besides, you should look rested and happy at the wedding.  So let's relax."

Dylan was going to say something, but he heard a knock at the door of the VIP zone and looked questioningly at the guys.

"Are you ready?" He heard a familiar voice and turned to look at the one who entered.

"Annie?" Di was surprised.  "Shouldn't you be with Yue?"

"Oh.  Not.  Jia is with her." Smiled girl.  "You did not tell him?" She asked, stepping closer to Kuan.

He hugged her and smiled playfully. "You know how cool to look at a person who does not guess what's the matter? When you are sure that in a minute his face will crack from a smile."

"What's going on here?" Dylan asked, narrowing his eyes and pursing lips.

"We thought what a surprise to make for you before the wedding, and decided that we would do what most will please you"
Said Annie.
"So we decided if you are happy when you are together, so be together, no matter where and how. Jia and Yue will be here in a few minutes. She does not know that you are here and probably will think that this is just a hen party in the spa salon."
Smiled Annie.

"And since you so insisted that there must be a naked bastard entertaining your bride ..." laughed Xize.
"Do you want to be him? I mean, do you want to be the guy who entertains your bride?" He winked

A smile spread across Di's face.  "You are devils.  Why couldn't you tell me before? My head burst from thoughts." He slapped Xize

"What is the fun here?" Guys laughed.

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