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What's wrong with me? I listen to him and do not even notice it. I'm even glad as if. Here he dragged me to the dance floor, hugged as if for the last time. Now leads me by the hand at the table. Why does it look so natural ... so right ?? Who was this girl? And why the feeling that I'm jealous. Why should I be jealous of him, we are familiar for two days. Jia...hmm ... It can not be that she missed the opportunity to tease me after what happened earlier. Twisting thoughts in her head.
My God, my head will explode now. She shook her head to stop thinking so much at once.

Dylan sat down beside her and looked at her puzzled face for a long time ...

"What are you thinking about?"
No answer.

"Yue !!!"Jia screamed, noting how Dylan could not reach her. "Come back to earth .. hello .. !!"

"Doesn't it sound strange ... Moon come back to earth?" Kiddo said and everyone started laughing.

Yue rolled her eyes at Jia, who stuck out her tongue in response and giggled.

"What are you thinking about?"Dylan asked again.

"Eh! Nothing special ... just ... hmm I ... um, that is, you ... no. Nothing." Scratching her forehead she said.

"It doesn't seem like it is nothing..." He grinned. "Do not you want to tell? Or maybe you want to ask about something?"

What is he hinting at? Is he waiting for me to ask about this girl? Hmph...And should I? It will look strange ... She said in her thoughts.

"This girl Di, was it Sun Quin ?"asked Annie.

"Yes." He replied reluctantly.

"Oh. I recognized her." Thoughtfully frowned Annie. "We met her at a fashion show about a month ago. I did not know that you know her"
"were familiar. But this is in the past." Dylan said.

"But according to her behavior, it did not look like everything was in the pa..s..t ..." oh fvck! now he will think that I am interested in his life. Yue, shut your mouth, can you? She said to herself ... mentally slapping her face.

"Eh! Yue ..." Jia started to speak with a smile on her face, but when she saw Yue's withering gaze, she quickly fell silent.
Dylan, delighted at her reaction, laughed.
"So what were you thinking ..? No, it really is in the past. In the distant and forgotten past ..." he said trying to catch her gaze.
But Yue averted her eyes, she was too embarrassed by her own words and Dylan's reaction to them.

In the parking lot of the club.

"Bye everyone." said girls heading for the car ...

"I'll dial you tomorrow" shouted Xize and waved to Jia.
Dylan suddenly remembered that he didn't have Yue's number and ran to the girls.

"Yue! Yueyue!" He called her

"Yes. What is it, Di?" She turned.

"I don't have your phone number...I" he suddenly lost all his words.
Yue looked at his silly look, took the phone from his hand, and wrote down her number.

"Now you have my number. When you decide to start repairs in the apartment, call me." She laughed.

She had already turned away and headed back to the car, but Dylan patted her shoulder and stopped her.

"hmmm .. can I...bring you home?"
Yue did not have time to answer as Jia screamed.

"Yes Yes. Take her away from me, quickly." She laughed.

"It's profitable for you, isn't it Jia?" Yue said, folding her arms across her chest and glancing at her friend.

Jia was embarrassed but did not become silent.
"You know ..."she raised her eyebrows smiling.

"OK fine" said Yue

"Xize !!!" Shouted Dylan. " I think you should go with Jia!" He grinned.

Xize came smiling like the Cheshire Cat. He was not at all against this exchange. two left the parking lot.

At the same time, Annie Kuan and Kiddo also left.

"Where do you want to go?" Dylan asked.

"Of course, home." Surprised by the question she said.
"Already 2 in the morning. And I'm extremely tired of these killer stilettos" She sighed.
"And I want to sleeeeeep" Puff her lips added Yue.

Dylan listened to her smiling. What a cute princess ... he thought. He had never liked capricious girls before ... in principle, he could not stand their whims. But now he liked it in an amazing way. He liked how she complained to him that her legs hurt and that she wanted to sleep, it gave him the feeling that they were getting closer with every minute spent together.

"You can take off your shoes while we're driving ... and yet ... don't do that ..." he said smiling mischievously

"Hmm? .. w-what ?" Not understanding what he was talking about, she asked.

"I'm talking about your lips ... don't do it .. do not pout lips ok?"

"Huh? oh... ok." She was suddenly embarrassed and began to bite her lower lip ...

Dylan sighed and suddenly stopped the car. He turned and looked at her. His pupils began to darken.

"Now you make it worse." he said, leaning a little toward Yue who was stunned by what was happening.

"I w-why...are you stopped?" She looked at him with a question.

Dylan leaned over her. She closed her eyes and felt his breath on her lips. He closed his eyes and almost kissed her ... but Yue suddenly pulled away. He squeezed his eyes and quickly pulled away too.

"I'm sorry ... sorry..." he could not find the words.

"Just take me home Di." She said looking away.

They felt awkward. Without another word, they reached Yue's house. She quickly got out of the car and wished good night ran home.

"Well, what an idiot?" with anger he hit the steering wheel. "What are you still expecting, of course she will run away after that."

Meanwhile in the club.

"Did you take a photo?" Sun Quin asked her friend.

"Yes. Completely successful. Thanks for the invitation" the guy told her.

"When? When will everything be ready?"She asked.

"I think tomorrow. Are you in such a hurry? Have some patience."he answered her giggling.

"I don't have the time and patience either." She said and got up from her chair to leave ... "I count on you, do not let me down." She tapped him on the shoulder and left...


A/ N
Happy valentines... 💖💜💛

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