( 55. ) You lose an arm

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She was actually the one who amputated it. Your infection was spreading rapidly and she knew it was the only logical solution, but it hurt her to do that to you and cause so much pain. She actually helped you to get used to the limb loss and made sure you were always in the best condition with it.

He wasn't sure what to think at first. He was mad, mad that it happened, but then he was upset because of how much pain you went through. He stayed at your side constantly and offered to do a lot of the "two-handed" jobs for you, not understanding that would get annoying, but it was the thought that counts.

Once she found out that someone had done that to you, she killed them. Octavia searched and quickly found the person, and once they were dead, she went back to your side. Constantly, she was telling you how badass it was and even suggested replacing the missing limb with a sword-arm.

She understood the feeling of a useless/missing limb. Raven offered to make you a prosthetic and she made it precisely to fit with your liking. She also somehow managed to put a storage compartment for bullets in the forearm part of it. Raven was excited to show it off to you.

He's sad that you have to go through that, because you were genuinely a kind person and didn't deserve that. Finn constantly told you that he wished he could have your pain instead and would offer to do whatever you wanted.

He felt bad, almost like it was his fault, but in no way was it his fault. Monty constantly asked if you were alright and would reassure you of your appearance. He wanted to make sure you still felt good about yourself and were comfortable, even with your new standards.

The first words he said once you were recovered were, "You have a cooler battle scar than me, now." To which you corrected him, with stub. He was worried for your recovery and was glad you made it through, letting you know how awesome you were the whole time. Jasper really wanted to make sure you didn't lose your energetic spark and humorous personality because of this, so in a way, he helped a great deal.

The only way to describe his reaction clearly is, Murphy was shook. He was amazed you made it out alive, first of all. Murphy wanted to make a joke about it, saying you were more immortal than himself, but he decided against it and instead showered you with all the love he could give. Murphy cuddled up next to you after your recovery and refused to let go.

She actually made a replacement arm for you, fully functional. Emori would show you her own arm and teach you how to live with the disability as well.

He found stuff that would make the pain more tolerable for you and suggested a lot of things to make you feel better mentally. Wells always found a moment to slip a compliment in, just in case you grew insecure.

She was outraged. You barely saw her during the recovery, because alike Octavia, she wanted revenge for her lover. She was a few days late to make it back to you, but when she finally arrived, Lexa became the biggest softie and peppered you with small kisses all while telling you how beautiful and amazing you are.

She was inspired by how you kept going. Indra told you that you were a true warrior and that she really admired you. And of course, she helped you get used to fighting with just one arm.

She was confused why such violence would be taken onto you. You were the peace of all living, so she was very upset to hear you had been attacked and now missing a limb. Luna of course wanted to keep her morals, but in secret she ordered some of her people to 'take care' of the attackers, while she spent her time with you. From then, she changed and it was noticeable. But she took care of you.

He immediately treated you with medications to ease the pain you were going through. Lincoln made your recovery as painless as possible and once you were finally okay, he suggested some new ways to get around with only one arm. He helped you the entire time and made sure you were fine with everything.

She was upset with herself for allowing it to happen. Echo felt that she wasn't prepared for anything to happen to you, or that she was completely oblivious to any danger you were in. She blamed herself and made sure to take care of you more than necessary.

He was scared. Roan didn't usually show emotion, especially if that emotion was fear or love. But he assumed that he was going to lose the love of his life, his only love. And he was hysterical the entire recovery process. Though, when he finally knew you were okay, he went back to his normal demeanor unless alone with you. Then, he would hold you close to him and tell you how much you mean to him, saying he wouldn't know what to do if he lost you.

Offers whatever he can do to help you 24/7. He never leaves your side and is constantly telling you how strong you are.

She's shocked and can't help but to stare, so you tell her it's alright. She'll just remain silent and hug you, making sure you're as comfortable as possible.

He freaked out at first because he had never seen so much blood or an actual limb he severed from a body. But regardless of his discomfort, he stayed by your side and made sure you were content with any of your conditions.

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