( 82. ) How they are as parents

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She worries a lot for their safety but always teaches them life skills that can help her to relax, knowing that they will know what to do when certain situations arise.

He's the most protective dad out there and can tend to be a bit strict with your kids, but knows his limits and is actually pretty fun with them.

She absolutely loves the children and is constantly outside playing with them. Around your kids, you notice that she is much more relaxed.

She always teaches them new things. Whether it's new vocabulary or a useful mechanic skill, they will know everything by the time they're 8.

He loves to tell them stories and over exaggerate a lot of his own achievements to make him seem like a cooler dad, only to inspire them of course.

Very lenient, but he shows his children so much love that they're not complete little assholes without guidance.

He lives to be the jungle-gym for your kids to climb on, always having them above his shoulders or wrapped around his legs.

Dad jokes galore and celebrates whenever he can pull one over his kids. He loves being playful with them and is a complete softy for the little ones.

She wants them to know right from wrong. What they do with that information, she doesn't care, as long as they can own up to everything they do.

He is a proud father and loves to brag about his children's achievements and whatnot. He only wants to encourage them to do their best and praises them for what they can achieve, no matter how little it is.

She trains your children to be warriors and to be brave. Though she's not always tough on them, sometimes she just loves to love them and hold them close.

She wants your children to be strong and believe in themselves. She allows them to choose their on path of life and supports them 100% along the way.

She teaches them to be self-sufficient at an early age but still cares for them as she should. Luna loves to watch from the sidelines as they take over little activities with ease that she would normally do for them.

He is always their guidance in everything they do. Physical activity or even just emotional guidance, Lincoln is there to solve their problems with reasonable outcomes and absolutely loves doing so.

She frets over not being attentive enough towards them and often oversells it. You can tell when it gets to her, she will force herself in any activity they're doing just to be with them. Echo only wants them to know that she cares more than anything, though.

He tries to be distant as to not go soft, however his attempts usually fail when holding one of his children. Roan always melts just hearing them coo about him, which switches his motive to try and be the best dad he can be.

He's very worrisome, afraid they will get hurt wherever they go. This leads him to set restrictions on certain places and times they can go out, ultimately making him a "lame dad", but he's just very protective of their well-being.

She allows them to confide in her when new trends come about in the wasteland. If one kid started wearing mink fur, she would go out of her way to make sure her own children got that brand knew swagger to be the coolest kids around.

He is all about teaching his children of the past, telling them stories of his parents and life on Earth after and even before the bombs. Their little brains are always fascinated by what their dad has to say.

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