Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Madison was at her parents house that same day, crying that Justin wouldn't take her back. She had to get Alex out of the picture.

Madison's POV:

My make up was smearing while my mom was rubbing my back, pushing a Vanilla frappe in front of my face.

"Madison, come on. You can't dread on this boy forever." She said, sighing.

"He was my boyfriend for TWO YEARS Mom." I choked on sobs.

"You and Dad divorced when I was three. I never saw him!" I snapped at her, not regretting a thing I had said.

"Get out of my house." She stated simply and I was happy to obey. This was all Alex's fault. She was all Justin could think about, talk about and dream about. I had to get her out of the picture.

A/N: What is Madison planning? I don't know. Leave your comments below and tell me what you think! 🌙

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