Author's Note

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Story Name: UnEvLo
('Un' for unconditional, 'Ev' for Everlasting and 'Lo' for love. )

Hero: Zayn Malik
Heroin: Alicia Redwood


1. Every name and place in the story is purely imaginary. It has nothing to do with the real world.

2. Zayn Malik's character will be far away from the real Zayn Malik. It's just the look and name is same.

3. You will also see other One Direction band members' names in the  story. But don't worry the plot has nothing to do with one direction. It  is totally different and general.

4. Story is Under Editing, so you might come across mistakes/typos.

5. Feel free to point out typos but nicely. Avoid rude comments as much as you can. But I do appreciate constructive criticism which would help me improve myself.

6. I try to reply to most of the comments. Depends on how free/busy I am.

7. The storyline is my own creation and imagination. Everything is planned by me alone. I reckon stealing as a big crime. So better not do it. :)

Writers are hungry for APPRECIATION, LOVE, COMMENTS and VOTES. So don't forget to press the star button and leave your valuable feedback in comments.

Thank you for opening this book. You will fall in love, I believe.

Copyright © 2014 NaviSK7

Here we go :)

Navi 🖤

UnEvLo (Unconditional Everlasting Love)Where stories live. Discover now