Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

As the sun came up over the red sky light found it's way over the Arena revealing Percy shooting his last arrow at the target. His fingers were bloody, they were cut from drawing back the bowstring one to many times.

On the target were several arrow all on the target and only a few on the ground. Percy had spent the entire night here practising archery. He didn't stop to rest, his Gamer's body made sure of that. His mind was clear thanks to his Gamer's mind.

Only now did Percy begin to appreciate his gifts. He did need to sleep anymore, he only needed to do it if he was injured. He didn't to eat also if his HP was high, he only did it because he liked eating.

Truly Gamer's Mind and Body were a very useful skill to have. The results of which floated before Percy in a blue box;

Archery, Lv-40 (30%)

You can shoot an arrow, it just might hit it's target.

Accuracy- 40%

Percy had done it. He had done all this in one night, just imagine what he could do in a week, and then two weeks. Percy had also raised his Dex by 8 and his Str increased by 12 causing Percy to raise his weights to 50 pounds each.

Percy looked up, 'the sun's up already?' Seeing this as his cue to leave Percy gathered all his arrows and went back to the Poseidon cabin. The then thought, 'ID escape.' Causing the red sky out there to break and turn blue again. Percy could hear the sounds of birds chirping now and smiled as he saw various people run across the camp to the Mess Hall.

Percy may not need to eat anymore to survive but that didn't mean he didn't like eating food in general.

Percy put away his bow and quiver in his inventory and then walked out of the cabin. He then walked to the Mess Hall and grabbed himself a huge plate of meat, cheese and grapes, truly the food of the Gods. He gave some for his dad and ehne no one was watching shaved most of it into his inventory.

Percy then began to eat what was left slowly as he made plans for the day. Percy then pulled up his stats;







Not bad, not bad at all. Today maybe he should-

"Heya Percy!" Travis Stoll called out interrupting Percy's train of thought.

Percy looked up and saw both the Stool brothers standing over his shoulder with identical grins. "Oh hey guy's what's up?"

"Did you use it?" asked Conner as he tried and failed to control his laughter.

"Use what?" Percy asked confused.

"Use the HNI," Travis explained.

"Oh yeah I used it," Percy said smiling, "I managed to make some drachma sealing some useless junk on the online market."

Travis and Conner looked like owls as they stared at him, "wait your telling me the first thing you did when you got access to the internet was go shopping?"

"Ah..yeah?" Percy replied hesitantly.

"Wow," Conner said actually surprised, "so you didn't look at porn?"


"Not even a little?"


"Didn't shop for any playboys?"

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