Chapter 46

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Chapter 46:

Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep!

You have slept in you own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy opened his eyes as he felt a familiar weight on his right. The demigod turned, stretching his body awake as a yawn escaped his mouth. The son of Poseidon looked down at the mass of black hair on his shoulder as he bent down planting a kiss on Thalia's exposed forehead.

"Morning," Percy said as Thalia tried to pull herself closer, but they were already as close as possible.

"Turn that thing off before I destroy it," Thalia grumbled out as she swung her leg off of Percy moving away.

"Sorry," Percy whispered as his switched off his digital alarm. He looked down to see a notification alert;

Feed the Horses

Percy sighed, it was early in the morning, the sun was barely up. But it was his turn. "I need to go," Percy told Thalia as he kissed her forehead again before lifting her arm off of him.

"Horses?" Thalia asked as she pulled up the sheet over her nude chest.

"Horses," Percy told her as he put on his clothes, "think you can manage getting up before anyone notices you in my bed?"

"Yeah," Thalia grumbled out, "I'll do it. Don't worry."

Percy rolled his eyes, "we don't want an incident like last time. Mera almost caught you sneaking back."

"Mera's a vindictive bitch," Thalia muttered as she swiftly fell asleep again. Percy chuckled but said nothing. He placed another kiss on her forehead before walking out of the cabin.

As Percy walked out he saw Leo sleeping on the porch. Percy smiled as he carefully walked away into the camp, taking care not to wake Leo up.

Percy breathed the crisp morning air, these days he had taken up Thalia's habit of waking up at 7. The only reason he ever woke up early these days was for some special training or if there was some special chores to do.

Recently they had taken to sharing a bed in Percy's cabin. Thalia would sneak in late at night and would cuddle up next to him, sometimes they would get a little handsy, but most of the times they just liked sleeping next to each other. Percy couldn't honestly say waking up to someone sleeping next to you was one of the best feelings in the world. He was always energetic during the mornings, Gamer's body made sure of that, but having Thalia next to him made him eager to wake up.

Unfortunately they could only do this for a few more days, the moment John came back from whatever quest he was on they would have company and Percy didn't really think John would like them together. Say what you will about the man for all his attempts to adapt to modern life he was still born in the 1920's where if you even kissed a woman it was a sign of marriage.

They could move into Thalia's cabin if John came back, but again there was a problem with that. Sure Thalia was the only daughter of Zeus so it would be empty. But standing right in the center of the cabin was a giant statue of Zeus looking down at the people in the cabin. It kind of freaked Thalia out staying in the cabin, after all which teenage girl wanted to sleep in a room where a statue her dad was planted right in the center?

Percy quickly made his way towards the Stables that were located near the very end of the camp. He rarely ever went there, but over the past week he had become closer to said horses, he even took over for Selina by taking care of them when she couldn't.

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