Chapter 63

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Chapter 63:

"We need to move, the battle isn't over yet," Percy told the campers who looked at him now with eyes of wonder and dedication, "the Romans are going to be hit, badly."

"What are you talking about?" Clarisse asked mirroring the confusion on the faces of everyone else around her.

"The romans are still in danger," Percy explained, "Bianca and Nico told me about an attack the Hermes squad discovered coming at the romans. The titan's army, the real one, it's coming straight for them. We need to get there as soon as we can and warn them."

"Another war?" Lee Fletcher asked with glaring eyes, "we just got through one."

"That wasn't the war Lee, it was just the beginning," Thalia sighed, "we are going to have plenty more battles from now on."

Percy nodded, "that's right. So for now we need to focus on helping the romans."

"Well that shouldn't be too hard, everyone here already has their weapons and armour on," Clarice pointed at the demigods suited up in the gear and weapons the gods blessed upon them before the battle.

Percy nodded, "right, this is good, Mera, Chiron," Percy turned to the two instructors who stood back awaiting instructions, "you two in?"

Mera smiled as she bowed, "always my prince. I would follow you to the depth of the underworld."

Chiron nodded as well, "I swore to help Olympus Percy, I would be happy to help."

Percy nodded, "great, then get your armour on and get ready, everyone else pack everything you need, food, water, gadgets, anything. I don't know how long this battle is going to last, I'm wagering Kronos is going to launch an immediate attack upon camp Jupiter in order to surprise us, but if he doesn't than we are going to be there for a long time, and I don't want to make several return trips, is that understood?"

"Yes sir!" the demigods cried out, usually there was a joking tone to their respect, but it was too formal for Percy's taste. Once more the crown on his head weighed heavily on his brow.

At once the demigods all dispersed, Percy turned to the camper councillors that quickly surrounded him like a king and his council.

"Are we seriously supposed to call you 'your majesty' now?" Lee asked with his unique branch of humor.

"I would actually prefer it if you didn't," Percy groaned, he touched the golden laurel on his brow and sighed, "stupid Morpheus, what gives him the right?"

"He is the god of dreams," said Jordan Green, the now councilor of the Athena cabin, due to Annabeth's absence, "it is said that for any king of Greece to be a legitimate king in the eyes of his people he would need to be personally appointed by a god. So while Morpheus wasn't an Olympian, he is arguably the most important god in our entire mythos."

Percy sighed as he rubbed his rubbed, "I wasn't looking for an explanation but that's wonderful to know Jordan, thanks. You are definitely Annabeth's brother." The child of Athena grinned while the others snorted in laughter.

"So what's the plan?" Clarice asked quickly, "how are we supposed to even get there in the first place?"

Percy sighed, "the Labyrinth is our best shot, it's fast and effective."

"Do we have enough rope for over a hundred demigods?" Travis asked.

"We don't," Conner replied immediately, "believe me I checked....for educational purposes of course."

"Of course," Clarisse rolled her eyes.

"Katie, Castor, could you use your powers to create a vine long enough for all of us to use?" Percy asked the head councillors of the Demetre cabin and Dionysus cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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