a/n & character contest :)

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thank you guys so much for 1k reads!

it means a lot to me because this book would've never been here if someone didn't add this their library.

i actually deleted this book when i first made it, but turns out it didn't delete and i'm so grateful that it didn't.

also, can we talk about billie's album?

i loved the concept of all her songs piecing together in one big story.

i wanna know you guys' favorite songs on the album.

mine would probably be listen before i go, bad guy, and ilomilo :)


also, i'm having a character contest!

it will end friday, april 5.

the character will be olivia's older sibling.

your entry form should look like the following:

name: character's name
age: character's age
gender: girl/boy
faceclaim: someone to play the characters
personality: nice, rude, etc.

thanks for taking the time to read this!

love you guys !

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