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i wake up after a peaceful dream. billie is already in my room, looking through my closet. i yawn and billie turns her head to look at me.

"hey baby." she says, still looking for an outfit. "aha!" she says pulling out an outfit for me to wear.

"olivia is coming over in ten minutes, you gotta get dressed, okay?" billie says as i get down from my bed. i nod.

she helps me into my outfit.

billie then sits me on my bed

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billie then sits me on my bed. she puts my hair into two buns
"mommy, i'm hungry." i say as she picks me up. "we can eat when olivia comes." billie says as she walks into the kitchen.

"hi uncle finnus!" i say and wave. "hi paisley!" he says back, smiling. billie walks over to the door with me on her hip.

billie opens the door and sits down on a chair outside. she sits me on her lap as she plays with my hair.

about two minutes pass by and a car rolls into the driveway. billie stands up and picks me back up and rests me on her hip.

tailia and olivia get out of the car along with gracie. "just great." billie mutters to herself as she walks up to them with me on her hip.

"hey tailia!" billie says as she hugs olivia and gracie's mom. "hey billie!" she says back. "is she wearing real gucci?" gracie says, looking at paisley's clothes.

"yes, when you have a lot of money you can get nice things." billie says sassily , placing me down. i walk over to olivia and hug her. "gracie, can we have a piece of gum?" olivia asks.

gracie hands me and olivia a piece a gum before returning to texting someone on her phone.

billie and olivia's mom a few minutes before her gracie get back in the car and drive off.

finneas walks outside with his car keys and unlocks the car. "where are we going, mommy?" i ask. "to get food." she says before picking me and olivia up and putting us in the car.

finneas turns on the car and starts to drive. "olivia, paisley, where do you want to eat?" finneas asks. "ihop!" we both yell.

"ihop it is." finneas says as he turns into a right lane. "yay!" we both shout as we smile.


after about fifteen minutes, we arrive at ihop. billie gets us out of the car and holds our hands as we walk in.

"one adult and three kids." finneas says jokingly. "haha." billie says and playfully rolls her eyes.

"it will be two adults and two kids." billie says to the lady at the counter. a waiter comes by and takes us to our table.

"how old are the kids?" the waiter asks. "two." billie says. "they eat free." the waiter says and smiles. "may i start you off with some drinks?" the waiter asks.

"Four orange juices." finneas says. "okay, i'll be right back." the waiter says and walks off.

"do you both want to share some pancakes?" billie asks, smiling. i look at olivia for approval. she nods. "yes, please." i say and nod.

"i'll get the cupcake pancakes for you two." billie says as she flips through the menu. "ooh, hash browns." finneas says as he looks at a picture in the menu.


the food comes after about ten minutes. billie hands us a fork and me and olivia start eating.

"finneas, do fairies eat these?" i ask, looking up. "hmm, possibly." he says and smiles. "okay." i say as i smile back.

"paisley, do you have fairies?" olivia asks. i nod. "uncle finnus made me a house for them and a fairy left me a note!" i say and smile. "cool!" olivia says as she takes another bite of the pancake.

i get up from my seat and start walking towards three doors. "paisley, where are you going?" billie asks as i keep walking.

i start walking to another door and go to push it open. "PAISLEY, THAT'S THE KITCHEN!" billie yells as i walk through the door.

a bunch of eyes look at me. "hello!" i say and wave. "aww, she's so cute!" a worker says as she looks at me. "how'd you get in here?" she says as she walks over to me.

she picks me up and takes me over to a bowl of fruit. "do you want a banana?" she asks and smiles. i nod. she hands me a banana.

all of a sudden the doors open again. "mommy!" i say and clap. "paisley, oh my god." billie says as she walks over to me. "i'm sorry about her, she's too curious." billie says as she takes me from the lady's arms.

"it's all good. she's so cute!" the worker says as she gently pinches my cheek. "say thank you, paisley." billie says. "thank you!" i say and smile.

billie walks out of the ihop kitchen and back to the table. "you are sitting in my lap." billie says as she sits down next to olivia with me in her lap.

she pulls her plate over in front of her and starts back eating. "paisley, why don't you look like billie?" olivia asks. billie and finneas look at each other.

"billie has silver hair and i don't!" i say and smile. billie laughs nervously. "oh." olivia says as she eats the last bite of the pancakes.

"well, i'm done eating, who wants to go home now?" finneas says, changing the subject. i sure do!

word count: 928

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