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Ugh I am so mad at my mom right now. Like ok our homecoming game is Friday night and its against my best friends school (cause she doesnt go to Dickinson anymore) so you know she's going to spend the night that night so we can go to the game and all. But I have like 2 missing assignments in Algebra and my mom freaks out and says that if I don't get them all turned in Zalea can't stay.

She said this as I was getting out of the car to go to school; when she knows that I cant argue and this is the only way she can motivate me to do something.

Ugh she's such a bitch, why does she have to be so smart? Can she like, not be smart this way, but instead understand HER homework for math so I can stop tutoring her?

I'M SORRY I'M GOOD AT MATH OK!? Shit both my parents have told me that I'm better at math than them. They're not idiots, but they just kinda suck at it. I'm not trying to make them look stupid.

I just really hate math. And threats. And when mom wants to take something away from me. Or when she threats to take something away from me because of math...

Well I see my dumbass cousin Emma so I got to go. Til next update!

Ew the dude next to me in this stupid gym is all sweaty and stuff and its really gross and he wont move his leg and its like up against mine but if I move like at all I'll fall off the bleachers. Ew its disgusting. I hate the gym.

Waiting in the gym is like going on a subway, you have no idea what kind of weirdos you'll encounter and its crowded and loud and plus I hate like everybody at this stupid school.

Ugh I swear everyone at this school is an idiot or a bitch or both. I hate people.

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