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I keep feeling like something happens today but I know nothing does. I guess maybe because its the 29th and Zalea's birthday is the 29th, but not in September.

Haha ok so she was over at my house Friday night right? Oh my gosh its so funny. My sister, she likes to try to hang out with all my friends and I because we're older you know? Well she kept being super annoying and kept messing with us, throwing things at us, calling us names, that kind of stuff. Its funny though everytime she said something stupid, Zalea had the PERFECT sarcastic remark. My sister would say something about how Zalea and I are nerds and not very popular, Zalea would say "Yeah but nerds are smart and eventually we'll get good jobs, what does popularity get you?" Oh my gosh it was like that all night and all day Saturday.

I didn't go to church Sunday though, because my sister had softball games and we would've been late if we went to church because then we would've had to go home and change, then drive out to Santa Fé so yeah. But I wish we'd gone to church, thats my only way of seeing my friends like Nikki and Kory and Carlee (who barely shows up anyway) but yeah plus church is a lot of fun.

I yelled at Alex againbut this time it was because she hasnt seen the movie Clueless. Like that is one of the best chick flicks from the 90s and she's never seen it. So I'm going to kidnap her Friday night so we can watch it at my house. Jk but only bc my stupid DVD player is broken...

So I was talking to Isaac saying Thuy was flirting with him again and he changed the subject and goes "has he done it yet?" And i said has who done what yet and he goes nevermind i cant tell u and Keely said she thinks someone is going to ask me out but the only person me and Isaac both hangout with r Nicolas Keely and Bryce and I'm about 9000% sure its not Bryce or Keely so that only leaves Nicolas but idk Im just so confused

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