30 Day Blog Challenge Day 1

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So imma do this 30 Day Blog Challenge some people on my facebook are doing once a day I'll post what the thing is and answer it but I willstill have regular updates every day too.

Day 1: 5 ways to win your heart.

1. Love One Direction like I do.

2. Understand that my friends mean the world to me, and I care about them more than anything.

3. Be a hot muscician that works out. 4. Love classical music like I do.

5. Get along with my family.

So thats todays. I'll upload my regular updates later after school. But its 5:40 right noe and i just wanna sleep but I have to restraighten my hair because i rained yesterday on me.

Life as I know itOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora