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So with Christmas nearing I've been getting all my friends and family their presents. So far I got Alex, Nikki, Zalea, Emma, and my sister Gigi something. Now I just gotta get my mom, Jake, Nick and my other sister's things. Not getting Isaac or Keely or Thuy anything though because we havent all been friends for who knows how many years like the others (except for Emma but she IS family) I might get Julia something but I mean last year we didnt get each other anything and so yeah she probably won't this year.

Anyway I started out with like $100 last night (even though I SHOULD have had $140) and spent like 50 something on everyone and a little more today for one other person so I got like 45 left to get the last few but I mean thats good right? I dont know I've never gotten presents for all my friends before, mainly because I didnt have money and now I do, but also because nobody in 3rd grade really buys their friends' present but we all do now

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