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I'm a little hyper, guyz.

But how was everybody's day? I hope you all had a wonderful day.

I had a really fun weekend, not a fun Thanksgiving Break because I didn't do anything fun until Friday but Friday and Saturday and today were awesome.

Friday night Zalea stayed the night and my dad took us to Brewings, (I think thats how you spell it, idk I'm too lazy to check.) And then we hung out at my house until like 5:30 then her dad came and picked us up and I stayed at her house last night and we stayed up til like 2:30, then we fell asleep but we woke up at 4 when her dad had to wake up her mom for work (cuz we fell asleep in the living room) and then we walked into her room and managed to stay awake for like 5 minutes until we fell BACK to sleepuntil like 10 and they didnt bring me home until like 5.

So I spent the ENTIRE weekend with my best friend and thats probably why I'm so hyper BUT ALSO because in just 16 ahort days, a little more than 2 weeks, I turn 14. Not really a major deal like I won't be able to get my license or vote or drink legally (not that I drink now, I've only drunken wine for church and a tiny sip of Pink Moscato) or anything so its no big deal. But I mean I'm excited.

And for my birthday I asked my parents, instead of getting me presents every year, to take me to do something for memories instead of presents. So this year they're probably going to take me to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra (if you don't know who they are, I'm judging you..and you should go look them up, I suggest listening to their 'Carol of the Bell' its my favorite.) So I really hope they get tickets for us. But I don't want my sisters to go because they don't appreciate the music as much as I do and they'd probably be complaining the whole time so I don't want them to ruin it. But they are gonna buy 4 tickets, one for me, my mom and dad and Zalea, because Zalea is the only person I know for a fact would want to go see them, appreciates the music, and the only who's parents trust me enough to take her. All the others just wouldn't be interested or don't know about my passion for that music or they aren't close enough friends that I'd truly want to take them. But yeah I'm excited about that.

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