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Hahah GUYZZZZ y'all got me up to 1K!!! Really not that much but thats awesome for me!! Thank you all so much for reading this, I didn't think my life and thoughts were even that interesting, at least not to me they weren't.

Has anybody listened to Pentatonix? I need a friend I can fangirl with about them. (I could use a Directioner friend too that is just as obsessed as I am, in case anyone was wondering.) But I mean I LOVE PTX but none of my friends like them.

I know I shouldn't hate myself because I mean, I'm skinny and I'm tall and everything and it makes me sound super bitchy like Regina George ("I really wanna lose 3 pounds.") and I don't care about my weight, I'm satisfied with it but like a friend came up to me today and she was just like "You're so lucky you have no boobs I hate when guys stare at me, I'd rather have no boobs" like that is literally my biggest insecurity.

I know I have no boobs and no ass but I mean I HATE when people point it out. Like my parents tease me all the time like even my DAD does I hate it so much. Idk its just something weird about me.

Anyway when she said it I kind of teared up a little bit because I hate that about me and she kept talking while I pulled myself together and she goes you look like you've been crying, were you crying? Your eyes are puffy what's wrong and I was just kinda like nothing I'm fine and she let it go for now.

Nick is getting me so confused. Things had been going so great and he was walking with me to 2nd period and he was all "I haven't seen you in like a week!" and then he sat with me at lunch but he didn't even talk to me the entire time, his stupid friends were there and he completely ignored me and then I thought oh well maybe he'll walk with me to 5th period like he always does and he goes to the complete opposite side of the cafeteria to exit out the main door instead of the back door all the performing arts kids take. So yeah that almost ruined my day.

But I don't care because this month is December, my birthday is in 14 days, Zalea's birthday is 4 days after Christmas and Christmas is soon. So since all my friends had a bad November I told them how December is like the last chapter in the book of 2014 in our lives so we have to finish with a big finale and make this month awesome so I'm trying to stay positive all month and I'm keeping Zalea happy by helping her get rid of the negative in her life, I started reading the Bible earlier today, I'm just really trying to make everything amazing this month. Its going to full of fun and be stress free and I'm not gojng to get sad or unhappy and I'm just going to make this a month I won't forget. I tjust so happens mine and Zalea's birthdays are this month, as well as Christmas, and One Direction is going to be on Saturday Night Live on the 20th and I have my concert next Thursday on the 11th and Zalea's concert is the 9th and I have region auditions the 13th and its going to be fun and awesome. One of those months I'll be retelling stories of for my kids and grandkids in the future.

In Spanish I kept shaking my leg because I needed to get up and move. Like sometimes when I'm really hyper and I have to stay seated or sit still, I shake my leg REALLY fast because I have all this random energy and I feel like I need to just get up and run laps but I can't because I'm in the middle of class. Then I got home and fell asleep...I don't even know anymore.

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