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When she feels bad about herself and puts herself down, it makes me feel like I've done a terrible job as her best friend.

When I ask if she's better now after talking to her and she says yes, it makes me feel 1000 times better and that I did my job right.

I HATE Spanish. And I HATE working with partners.

Today we had this stupid paper we had to do and so I was like ok, I have 5 friends in this class, ONE of them will be my partner. But nope, out of the 5, Alba and Gracy went together and Alex and Amy went together. So I asked Alyssa, nope she was gonna work with Kisses.

So I just sit there alone and then Mrs Torres walks by and I'm just like yeah I'm the only kid in this room without a partner...so she tells Amy to let me ask her the stupid questions when she's done with Alex.

Then Preston gets kicked out of class so I work with Guillermo..some dude I don't know. I had to speak in ONLY Spanish for _10_ minutes with some Mexican guy I dont even know...yeah, awkward.

I'm such a loser, I need more friends. Or I need less friends and just have my 2 best friends....neither go to my school, but who cares?

I'm the type of girl that will stay up all night to talk someone out of killing themself.

Well it may only be 7 o'clock here, but I just spent an hour and a half talking someome out of it and I'm not even very close with this person.

I'm the one that cares about EVERYBODY, whether I hate them or not.

Nothing really happened at school so this is my update, sorry these are so short sometimes.

Life as I know itDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora