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Its amazing how fast things happen in this world nowadays.

For instance, how two people can go from best friends to strangers within a few minutes.

But tell me, is fighting really necessary?

Where does it get you?

It doesnt make you friends again. It doesnt make everything go back to the way it was.

It gets you nowhere.

Why throw a friendship away over one stupid little fight?

Being friends for, say 4 years, that would mean you're probably really close friends, right?

Ok, let's say the 2nd year you two got super close, like absolute best friends close.

Some drama happens, 3rd year you kind of grew apart. You still text like best friends but when it comes to hanging out in class, this person hangs out with people you dont usually tend to. Or they hang out with a certain person you can't stand instead of you.

Now its year 4 and you say one thing and this person takes it the wrong way, you've been close friends for 4 years now, would it really be worth it to throw it all away like it never happened? This person used to be your best friend and now, even though you RARELY talk at school anymore, you're going let this friendship end over a STUPID little word?

There's this quote, "True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare, false friends are like leaves, found everywhere." -Maya Angelou

She's saying its hard to find real friends and easy to find fake onez, so why woukd you throw away a true friend when its so hard to find them?

Leaving you all with that thought.

Life as I know itحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن