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Zalea stayed the night last night. Let's just say we need to learn how to control our anger and volume at 3 A.M. That and we need to learn how to get unstuck out of trees...

You know we kept saying we're counting down to Christmas, like for many reasons. My birthday is just a little over a week before Christmas and the only thing I'm asking for is for tickets for me and her to go to the symphony, (because we both love and appreciate classical music,) and then at Christmas she gets her new phone so we're counting down to that and then her birthday is a few days after Christmas and then we'll probably be spending her birthday at her house and I kind of wanna take her ice skating because its super fun and its appropriate since our birthdays are in December plus it'd be even more fun to watch each other fall all day.

I already know what I'm getting her too. Like she plays the flute right? And so apparently flutes and clarinets hate each other, I dont know I dont know lots of band stuff but apparently they do (me personally I would pick the flute any day because I just absolutely love the sound and its just beautiful) but anyway I found this shirt and it says "Fear the Flutes" on it and its perf for her because she may be quiet at first but she should be feared when you get her worked up and mad. And then I found this hoodie that said "Flute the only instrument that matters" and I'm gonna get her that too and then I'm gonan get me a shirt that says "These are Sharps not hashtags ###" and we can walk around in our awesome music shirts and hoodies and be the amazing band geek/choir nerd dynamic duo. Haha I just realized Dynamic is totally a good word in that...

And we keep thinking ok our birthdays and Christmas is only next month but I mean we keep thinking and then its like BOOM! Reality hits us in the face, next month we'll actually be 14 years old. And we keep counting down til we get our licenses (for lots of reasons) and we're just like oh my god just 2 years from now we'll be almost 16, with our permits, learning how to drive. We were gonna just like start crying in my room because of it all.

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