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So Nicolas isn't avoiding us anymore. But he also wont be going to choir rehearsals every week. He said he's only going to one a week like bitch we have 2 a week for half an hour!

Isaac gave me candy bar again.

I had a lollipop in science. It was the green blow pop but the girl next to me had a strawberry one and she asked to trade because she didn't like the strawberry and the green one is my favorite but it was sort of a wwjd moment so I traded with her bc I mean she hated those kinds and its not like I didnt like them so I gave her mine.

OMG I got so many compliments today like I dont even think I looked that good, (except my makeup was perf for once!) But like it was so cool. It was like a major confidence boost that I needed so I'm really happy right now.

I GOT ANOTHER STICKER IN CHOIR!! This time it was because my part kept screwing up this one interval, it was Mi to Do. We kept kept screwing it up so Mrs Bilek said if we could sing from measure 17 to the end of that section perfectly and get the pitches right, we get a sticker. We got stickers..:D

Haha Alex was fangirling about this guy she likes in Algebra (he who shall not be named), and Keely was sitting there listening then we started fangirling over what had happened with Jake last night and then she walked away. Keely looked at me while I was laughing and she goes "Wait, you guys understood each other? Like talking so fast and then squealing between every sentence and talking at the same time?" Oh my gosh I couldn't stop laughing like yes this is the language of our people, fangirls. She looked at me and she said, "Who could you POSSIBLY be fangirling over? One Direction?" I laughed again and replied "No thats when we're not in school. This time its people we actually know." She just gave me this look. It was priceless, she looked at me like I just spoke some kind of alien.

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