Who's ladybug?

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{Adrien's Pov}

"I still don't think it has something to do with ladybug Plagg. It just doesn't make sense." He floats around, "Well what do you think it is that set her off?" I lay on my bed, "I'm not so sure, but I'll find out soon."

I turned off the lights and went to bed, still wondering about Y/n mood. Is she mad at ladybug......hmmmm I don't have proof of that being the case, oh well I guess I'll figure it out tomorrow.

Next day

I get up and get dressed for school, I went to the table to see Y/n eating, "Morning Y/n." She smiles, "Morning Adrien." I sat next to her and eat, "Are you ok?" She smiles, "Yea...why do you ask?"

She then drinks a glass of orange juice, "Well, yesterday you were kinda mad, and I thought I offended you." She stops drinking, "What makes you say that?"

"Well I said something that made you mad." She shrugged, "Oh it was nothing, come one let's go to school." I finished my breakfast and we head over to the car.

On our way there I stop and know that something is wrong from yesterday, I'm still not convinced that she's telling the truth, I'll probably ask her some other time, but not today.

I didn't go to school today, I'm sure she'll be fine without me.

School {Your Pov}

I head over to class to like usual as Miss Bustier speaks, "I'm very pleased with how you all did on your last assignment. Some of you have really stepped up, and I do appreciate it. Now it's time to move on to our next assignment."

I was about to go into my thoughts till I noticed that Adrien didn't came to school with me, *sigh* he's probably out there saving Paris with ladybug. I turned to Adrien's empty seat and sighed, I hope he's ok. "Marinette still in the girls' room?" Alya, "Uh, I don't know, miss." The bell rings.

"Tonight I want you all to read chapter three of the breathtaking France, the First Thousand Years. Then, answer this simple questionnaire. *gives two to Alya* See to it that Marinette receives her."

Class ended and Nino waited for me by the door, "Hey where's Adrien?" I shrugged, "Beats me, I just noticed this morning." We walked out of the class and into the quad.

"Nino, Y/n, wait!" We turned around to see Alya, "Yeah?" Alya, "Come with me, I need your help!" We followed her, "So-- *Alya shushes him*" She tries to call someone, "It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! He he."

"Ughh. I hate when she goes AWOL. She's not calling me back! Where is that girl?!" Nino shrugs, "Seriously. My man Adrien's the exact same way. But I guess you gotta be sly when Mr. Control Freak is your daddy-o."

I crossed my arms, "I'm right here." He nervously smiled, "Oh....I didn't mean it like that...." I playfully punched his shoulder, "I'm joking, I know how father is."

Alta's phone rings, "Once again, Ladybug and Chat Noir have saved Paris from the clutches of a menacing villain." At least Adrien is ok, but is he going to realize that if he starts skipping school a lot he'll get in trouble.

"Hey! I think I've just sniffed out who the real Ladybug is! *whispers to us* Chloé." Nino and I looked at each other and laughed, "Chloé? Seriously?"

"She's too self-absorbed to think of anyone but herself, much less save the world." Nino, "You are cray-cray, lady!" Alya, "I am so not! You'll see!"

I then spot Chloe on the corner of my eye, "Hey there! Hi! You look totally fab! Uh, no, not you. Hey, it's still a month from Halloween, you know?"

"You need to have your head examined. If she's a superhero, then I'm the Wizard of Oz." I giggled at Nino's respond. " I'm telling you, she's Ladybug!" I questioned, "Can you prove it?"

Time skip

Alya then takes us both to the locker room where Chole is, "Now don't mess up your lines." She pushes us to the lockers. "Oh, uhhh... Ladybug! Look over there!"

I face palmed, as Chloé looks confused, "Uhh, what kind of lame joke is this?" Nino, Uhh, well, that was..." He then looks at me, "Did you see Ladybug yesterday? Isn't she amazing? I wonder who she really is."

I nodded as Chloé looks at us, "Uhh... up too late DJ-ing, Nino? Obviously you didn't get your beauty sleep." Sabrina, "Uh... Chloé! Alya's looking in your locker!"

"Uhh... that's a lie! I so was not!" Kim steals Alya's phone. "Hey! Give it back!" I get worried about Alya getting into trouble. Chloé sees the photo, "Who's the little liar now?"

Then Alya and Chloe head to the principal's office as me and Nino head to class.

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