The white rose

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{Your Pov}

After Adrien made stupid puns, I went to my room, listening to my own thoughts, Hmmmm I wonder what does he see in Ladybug? I then looked at the ladyblog and stared at Ladybug's face, I understand that she's pretty and heroic, but.....

Maybe I shouldn't be mad, since he's head over heals over her. I just don't see why she keeps rejecting him.......I does make me mad that she rejects him harshly sometimes.

I shook the negative thoughts away and walked to my window. I opens the window to see the beautiful night sky, then I spot a white butterfly heading towards me.

It was pretty and it reminded me of the akuma purified, I held my finger up and the butterfly landed on my finger. I was amazed of how it didn't fly away.

I noticed more white butterflies flying around, I got out from the window and followed the butterflies, I know that I should be in bed, but it was to beautiful to walk away.

The butterflies took me to a garden I never saw before, it was filled with red roses. All red except for one, a white rose in the middle of the garden. I then got closed to the rose to admire it.

The butterflies fluttered around me as I find a stone bench to sit I looked up to see the shining stars in the night blue sky.

I then get memories of my mother with dad and Adrien, we were all together as a family. The four of us laughing and having fun.....I almost cried, but smiled instead.

I then see Adrien and dad walking away as mother walks up to me, "My darling Y/n........take care of your father and brother for me......"

She opened her arms and hugged me, I hugged tight as she rubs my back, "Mom....." Then everything went black.

Next day

I woke up to see that I'm back in my room, I was confused, maybe it was just a dream I had. I then quickly get changed, for school.

I went to the table to eat breakfast, Adrien then walks in and sits to eat. I gulped my meal and looked at Adrien, "Ummmm....Hey Adrien." He looks at me, "Yea?"

"Do we have a rose garden in our backyard?" He looks confused, "No...I don't think we do." I guess it was a dream, me and Adrien finished our breakfast, then walked to school.

While walking I get lost in my thoughts, hmmmm I was for sure that we have a rose garden in the backyard.....but who am I kidding, I don't think we even have a rose garden.

Then again.......I could ask dad about it, hmmm no...he probably won't have time to listen to my silly question. I then got out of my thoughts as Adrien gets shocked, "I just remembered something!"

I till my head confused, "What?" He grabs my shoulder, "Today is supposed to be the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III Tournament!" I process what he was talking about, then it hit me,

"Oh my god your right!" We start to run, "We have to go to the library to practice." I chuckled, "I would practice with you, but it would be unfair if we both entered since we are awesome at that game!"

He also chuckled, "You're right, anyway let's hurry, practice will start soon. We arrived at the school and walked to the library to see everybody there.

I didn't mind not playing with Adrien, I wanted everyone to have fun. We then start to practice, Alya taps my shoulder, "You don't mind if I record this."

I smiled, "I don't mind at all, you can capture my brother and Max being the greatest players ever!" Everyone cheered, as Max and Adrien start challenging each other, while Alya records them.

"Come on, Max." I then see Marinette walking in, "What's going on, Alya?" but Alya shushes her. Rose, "Try-outs for the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III Tournament! This school sends the two students with the highest scores!"

Kim, "Actually, the tryouts offer a partner to team up with Max in the Tournament." Marinette, questions, "Why Max?" Kim continues, "Cause he's unbeatable! He's a total rocksord! He's got the highest APM over anyone!" Marinette gets a bit confused, "APM?"

"Actions per minute? This tournament is his whole life! He's been grinding all year to level up." Adrien's robot, NAD03, uses his special attack on Max's robot, MX-01. MX-01 is crushed and NAD03 wins.

I cheered, "Adrien is now in the lead." Kim, "What happened, Max?" Max, "Hmm. Awesome job. We're gonna make a killer combo." Adrien high fives him as the rest of their class are cheering for both of them.

"So let me get this straight. If someone manages to beat Max's score, they'll team up with Adrien at the tournament?" I looked at her, "Yup!" She then asks, "Then why aren't you with Adrien playing?"

"Oh that's because it wouldn't be fair since I want Adrien to be in it, I'm kinda a pro at this, but I thought it would be nice for everyone to have fun."

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