Biker Whore

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Jada yelled out for Zander and Zane and saw them heading back towards her just as the man reared back and punched her in the face. 

"Biker whore you don't hit a real man." 

Zane slammed the guy into the wall and punched him in the face as Charlie Blue and Rocksteady walk in and see what was happening. Zander picks her up and sits her on his lap and starts to check her face, two of the brothers' old ladies run up to Zander and Jada to make sure she's okay. Rocksteady grabs the man from Zane throws him to the ground and begins to punch him squarely in the jaw. Charlie Blue begins to kick him, and all the party-goers just stop and give them a wide berth. They know when the Reapers fight it's nothing nice and to not get involved.

Just then Comanche walks in and people start to move out of his way, they part like the red sea, because they know what type of fighter he is. When everyone moves out of his way, Comanche sees what's happening, Jada is sitting on Zander's lap holding her face with tears streaming down from her eyes. And, two of the brother's old ladies are kneeling beside her. Zane is now standing in front of them in a fighter's stance ready to fight anyone who comes near. Comanche was torn, he wanted to jump into the fight but he also wanted to take care of Jada, he wanted to make sure she was okay.

Comanche looked from the fight over to Jada and their eyes locked, he could see the slight bruise forming on her face and red stains on her clothes. That locked his decision, he ran over to her to make sure that she was okay and that the red stains weren't blood. Because if they were there would be hell to pay, and he would make sure to collect. Zane saw Comanche come up and moves out of his way so he could get at Jada, the minute Zander saw Comanche, he stood up with Jada in his arms and passed her over to him. Zander ran a finger down Jada's face to wipe a tear from her eye then smiles at Comanche. He clapped him on his shoulder and he and Zane run to join the fight, the man's friends decided to try and jump in and help.

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