Here's What Happened

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Jada grabbed up a lock of his waist-length hair and began to play with it, then sighed a deep sigh. 

"My sister came up from North Carolina, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. Then she decided that she wanted to go to Virginia for the whole weekend and took my boys with her, she said she wanted me to do something fun. So, I saw that you had posted a picture on Instagram, and you said that you were going to go to the party. So, I decided on a whim to come up and spend some time with you, I wasn't going to do it because I hadn't discussed it with you but, I figured today is Friday I'll come up, and worst comes to worst I'll have to drive the three hours back after you turned me away."

 Comanche smiled and kissed her hair, it excited him that she wanted to be with him. 

"So I was halfway there and something said to call you, I text you first and you didn't answer. So thirty minutes later I called you, and again you didn't answer. When I looked at the clock I realized that the party had started so I figured you couldn't hear your phone. When I got there I saw Charlie Blue and Rocksteady, Charlie Blue told me that you were inside and that Rocksteady would help me find you." 

Comanche smiled, he would have to buy Rocksteady a case of beer and he would not only buy Charlie Blue a case of that crazy wine he loved but also that Bach Cd he has had his eye on. Charlie knew that he had wanted to see Jada, he had even discussed Jada with Charlie. 

"So, Rocksteady went one way and I went the other we were to meet in the middle." 

Jada took a deep breath her fingers still winding and playing in Comanche's hair, he loved the feel of her fingers and wished he had them touching other places. 

"While I was looking for you, that guy your brothers were beating up kept bothering me. I ignored him because he was drunk, but everywhere I went there was this guy I ignored him, told him to leave me alone and he wouldn't."

Comanche (Death Reapers MC Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now