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This is how they would care for you when you have lady problems. If you know what I mean... -_-


During your monthly session, Cupid would cuddle you the whole time, using his magic to warm you.

You cling to him every time it begins. He always has chocolate and sweets for you, he'll make you bite sized brownies for the whole week.

And because of his aura, you don't get mood swings as often, if you do he gives you space and stays outside until you call him back into the house.

Know that Cupid will always be there for you anytime you need a shoulder to cry on. Even if its just hormones.


Hallow will be freaked out by your sudden mood swings. And the constant smell of blood drives him insane, he always sends you to Cupids for the week just so he can control himself.

But, if he can't send you to Cupid's, he'll carry full sized bars of chocolate in his coat just for you.

He'll leave you be and leave the house just to clear his head from the scent of blood.

Poor bat boy.


Coby just runs to the store and grabs large boxes of chocolate and pretzels, he leaves them out for you, and he puts a chocolate bar in every drawer for you to find.

When you're tired don't really want to move, he'll rest next to you with his heat lamp on, to help get rid of the cramps.

Greenie knows how you feel, which is often why Coby has mood swings of his own. She being the only female viper on his head, causes him to have a feminine side.

So, he'll be super caring to you during your week of pain.


Asher gets freaked out by the whole thing, but he tries to be there for you even if he doesn't understand it.

He'll just place you in his lap and cuddle you until you fall asleep or till the pain goes away.

If it takes even longer he'll rock you back and fourth while giving you Hershey chocolate kisses.

He stuffs his pockets with them so you always have something sweet every time he cuddles you.

You just run your hands through his Mohawk to relax and get your mind off the cramps.


Lock seems to have his own case of pms all the time, but he puts his grouchy attitude to the side when your week starts.

He'll steal some sweets from Cupid and give them to you.

Most of the time you cling to him because of how warm he is, he's your own personal heating pad.

He rubs your back whenever you feel crampy and grouchy. He almost never leaves you alone during the week, he only leaves to get your 'supplies' or to steal more treats from Cupid.


Fear for some reason, knows everything about your lady problems. He makes his own homemade chocolate for you.

Which tastes amazing by the way.

He'll sew you a large fluffy f/c blanket for you to bundle up into while he works.

When he's not working, he'll cuddle you until you fall asleep. He feels horrible that you have to go through this, but he'll always be there to help you through it.



Romeo at first thought it was some weird human heat faze, until Fear explained what it was.

While he didn't true fully understand what it was, he helped all he could.

He ignored the scent of blood, and pampered you the whole time. He'd do your hair and give you some comfy clothes to relax in.

You and him share a tub of chocolate ice cream while his wing is around your back and watch your favorite movie at least 100 times.


Amour would keep you in your room the whole week so no one could hurt you while you were vulnerable.

He'd wash your sheets for you making them warm and rose scented.

He had installed a mini fridge in your room just full of chocolate and ice cream.

He'll growl and stab anyone who tries to speak with you while you don't feel the greatest.

He's much more protective than he usually is during your week.

While you sleep, he watches over you for hours just to make sure you're not in any pain.

If he sees you wince or grit your teeth, he'll rush to your side and wrap his arms around you, covering you with his body heat.

His wings will wrap around your midsection to ease the cramps, as much as he loves to watch others suffer like the sadist he is, he never wants to see you in pain.


Jasper, the poor doll, gets scared easily by your mood swings. He'll just steal Hallow's chocolate stash and just toss it to you.

He'll wait for you to calm down, then once you have, he floats back into your room and snuggles you, his warm aura melting your pain away.

You grow annoyed that you can't touch him, but he can touch you, but that's what you get for dating a ghost.

And when you suddenly feel sad, he'll posses someone and make them punch their own face, just to make you laugh or smile.

After all, he hates to see you cry. And when you're in pain because of lady problems, it makes his dead soul hurt even more.

He just wants you to be okay, he'll stop at nothing to make you feel better.

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