Sweet discovery.

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Trickster! Outcasts x reader.

Why? So you can see em all. If the pic is there. If not I'm throwing my keyboard out the closed door.


It was cold out, which was weird for the month of May. Creator was walking beside you, wearing a black hoodie with a pink t-shirt and a pair of bleached jeans.

The black high tops she wore brought together her outfit. The two of you were carrying grocery bags.

Since her boys, mostly Asher and Hallow, ate like animals, you two had to go shopping once a week.

"So, how is everyone?" You asked her, trying to break the awkward silence of the walk.

She looks up at you and smiles. "They're great. But.. They've been dressing weirdly, almost like Fresh gave them makeovers. Its weird."

"That is pretty weird.. Why would they suddenly change style like that?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "No idea, I just know that a new friend of theirs has been coming by a lot lately. Checking up on them I suppose."

You lift a brow. "And the elements?"

"No idea. I haven't heard from them since they moved to that island of theirs." She puts her phone away, after checking for texts.

"This misfits haven't talked to the boys either.. I guess they're keeping themselves away for some reason." She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose as she did when stressed, or disappointed.

"Have you been home lately to know what's up with them?" You ask her.

She shakes her head. "No, I've been working on trying to think of something for The Elementals birthdays... Which is the seventeenth by the way."

You nod, you'll have to think of something before you see then again. Or see their new place. Since when were they moving to an island?


Once inside the mansion, Creator just tossed the grocery bags on the kitchen floor. "Ehh is fine. Cupid will get it later."

You chuckle to yourself and follow her out into the living room to take a seat on their L shaped couch.

"That's weird..." You comment, noticing the lack of skeletons in the house. Where were they?

"What is?" She asks, taking out her game console, the familiar tune of undertale's menu music began to play.

"Where is everyone?"

She looks over the couch then back to you. "I don't know, my creations are weirdo, let them do whatever."

You shrug your shoulders and go back to paying attention to the stalker movie on tv.


Waking up to someone poking you wasn't the exact way you wanted to wake up, but in this house no one gets what they want.

Opening your eyes you saw... Fear? Dressed in some kind of brown coat that seemed to be melting? And were those chocolate bars on the sides of his head?

He was poking you with a pencil, he smiles once seeing that you're awake. His chocolate eyes brighten once they meet yours.

"Um.. Fear? Are you okay?" You ask him, sitting up to fully look at him. He looked like someone had poured hot fudge all over him.

"Did Cupid put you in this getup?" You laugh a little, only to be creeped out once he smiles with his needle teeth.

"Ello there love! Sleep well?" He asks, his voice unusually chipper and sweet.

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