Sharing is caring.

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Elements x sweet! reader.

(They seriously need more fanfics.. Anyway, have fun!)

You and Aspen spread out the large red and white checkered picnic blanket across the grassy hill, a sakura tree creating shade over it.

Aspen smiled at your work, he set the picnic basket down on the blanket, kicking his sandals off, he sat cross legged on the blanket.

His cheeks flushed as he pat the spot next to him, you took a seat next to the earth element with a smile.

A light brown bunny hopped in Aspen's lap, curling up comfortably. Aspen looked down at the rabbit with a calm smile as he scratched it behind the ears.

These little critters always seemed to be following him around, chipmunks sat in the tree, watching over you both. A few butterflies fluttered around Aspen's antlers.

He chuckled along with you, apparently his antlers were ticklish, who knew?

You sent him a soft smile as you pet the bunny's head softly.

Sadly, this calming aura didn't last long when an intense heat filled the area, tips of the grass burnt to a crisp.

The bunny's head lifted up in fright, and they hopped away to hide into a bush.

Aspen frowned and crossed his arms as his brother's figure became visible over the horizon.

Igniter sent a smile to you, but a death glare to his sibling. "Hello y/n, I didn't see you this morning, what are you doing with plant head?"

You smiled back at him, ignoring Aspen's irritation. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was planning on visiting you this morning, but Aspen and I decided to throw a nice picnic!"

Igniter blushed a light orange at your sweet voice, but it died down as soon as he saw Aspen scoff in disgust.

"Why don't I join you guys? Can't let the tree hugger have all the fun with you." Igniter winks, taking a seat across from you.

But.. Aspen tossed a sheet of tin foil under his rear, protecting the blanket from the flames.

"Imbecile.. You've got to be more careful! You could have caused a disaster!" Aspen sighed, gripping the side of his head in annoyance.

Igniter rolled his eyes. "Calm down, don't get your vines all in a twist. It was fine-"

"Boys! Can't we just have a nice afternoon? And get along? Just for a little bit?" You set yourself between them, a hand on each of their chests.

Aspen takes in a deep breath. "Alright, just for you darling, I shall try and tolerate his presence." He leans over and kisses your hair, a white rose blooms behind your bangs once he pulls away.

Igniter scoffs loudly, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Fine.. Only for you beautiful."

You smile at the twins. "Thank you." You lean over and place a kiss on Igniter's burning cheek, a small tsss sound was heard.

He blushes and hides his face into the floof of his coat.

"Hey! Why are you two hogging her!? Didn't you know that sharing is caring!?" A voice yells from above you.

You look up and smile, the Alistair the air elemental himself, stood on a cloud with his arms crossed.

He saw you and sent you a wink, before landing next to you, hands on his hips.

Igniter sighs. "Go away.."

Alistair ignores his brother's huff, he turns and faces you. "Y/n! Its been too long!" He suddenly pulls you off the blanket and into his tight embrace.

You let out a small laugh as he spins you, lifting you off the ground temporarily.

You hug the air element, placing a kiss on his diamond. "Its good to see you too al!"

"I think I'm gonna puke.." Igniter groans, turning away from you both, only to get elbowed in the ribs from Aspen.

Alistair sits on the blanket with you in his lap. "A picnic? Great idea!" He exclaims with a dorky smile, cheeks turning a sky blue.

Aspen nods in agreement. "I thought we all needed a break from our daily duty's. And a picnic was the first thing I thought of."

Alistair grins and takes a sandwich from the basket, the mayo getting all over his face cutely.

You smile and wipe his cheek with a napkin, making his sky blue blush burn brighter.

Suddenly, you felt small drops of rain on your arm, you look up and see the sky has darkened, but only slightly.

"Y-y/n? What is everyone doing uo here..?" A shy voice stutters from behind you.

Octavian stood there, eyes steadily looking at the ground, ocean blush on his cheeks from the sight of you.

"Oh great.. Crybaby is here, watch out, don't let him cry on ya!" Igniter chuckles, only to be hit by Aspen in the back if the head once again.

You stand up from Alistair's lap, and you take Octavian by the hand, leading him to the blanket.

He shyly sits next to you, fiddling with his phalanges. You lean on him and rub his back reassuringly.

Aspen smiles happily at you both in approval.

Alistair does the same, but quickly gets distracted by another sandwich.

Igniter rubs the back of his head in annoyance.

Octavian takes a couple of chocolate chip cookies out of the basket and shares them with you, in the corner of your eye, you can see his tiny, rare smile.

And it warms your heart.


After you've been outside all day until night, you all laid spread out on the blanket.

Your head in Octavian's lap, while Aspen braided your hair, Igniter held your left hand, rubbing the back of your knuckles affectionately, while Alistair hugged your waist, snoozing away and using your stomach as a pillow.

It seems you finally got them to share without any disagreements.

If only they could be like this all the time.

End. :3 I loved this one.. I hope you enjoyed! Be sure to request the elements as well, they need more love.

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