Sharp and sweet.

967 29 12

Non dere Amour x reader.

I get requests for this a lot! I don't mind. Amour is my favorite *whispers* don't tell the others.

Also for Loverofscreens since Amour is their favorite. ^w^

Amour is still yandere in this, but its toned down by a lot. He's not blind either. You're his senpai but he's more like cotton candy for this!


Amour had confessed his undying love for you under one of Cupid's cherry trees that was hidden in the back of the garden.

You accepted his feeling and started a relationship with him. He was still a little possessive but, you warned him about that.

Without you knowing, he'd still follow you and keep an eye on you, while his fingers twitched.

But, he seemed to have calmed down much more once you had given him his daily cuddles.

You had entered your apartment, tossing your bookbag on the floor. Today you had four tests! It was stressful, but you were happy you could finally cuddle your angel that lacked a halo.

Amour stood in one of your hoodies, lacking pants, as he stood in front of the stove, humming something to himself.

What was with yanderes standing around in their underwear? You had no idea.

He chopped a few vegetables with a rather large knife, the carrot being sliced effortlessly.

You hugged his short frame, wrapping your arms around his petite waist. His wings perked up a little. "Y/n! You startled me!"

"Hi sweetie. How was your day?" You ask him, resting your chin on his head.

Amour's cheeks flushed a light pink as he slid the carrots into the pot. "It was okay! I mostly cleaned up the house a little! And I watched anime for a while, but I knew I should make something for us, since you had a long day." He smiles.

You kiss his cheek making him squeak a little. "Thanks sweetie. But I could have helped you clean up."

Amour turned to you, hand on his hip as he puffed out his cheeks. "Nonsense! I handled it just fine! Now, take a seat, the stew is almost done."

The way he held the knife scared you a little bit, he was holding it like a murderer. It seemed to fit in his small hands just fine.

He seemed to stare at it to, admiring the gleam of light on its blade.

His pupils disappeared for a second as he stared at it, emotionless as a phalange ran down the sharp side.


He shook his head and held the knife to his chest, almost like he was hugging it..?

"Knives! I like knives!" He giggles, turning back to the stove.

"O-okay then." You shrug your shoulders and leave the kitchen to sit in the living room.

Amour grinned, licking the cold steel of the knife, shuddering at the taste of old copper.

"Chikusho..." He mutters, wiping his forehead as his face burned pink.

(Damn it.)


As you both ate in the living room, Amour seemed a little out of it as he picked at his food a little with his fork.

"How was school?" He asks, meaning he hasn't followed you today like he usually did.

You set your drink down after taking a sip from it. "It way okay, I mean, tests are annoying and stressful. But other than that it was fine."

He nods in response, taking a forkful and stuffing it in his mouth, revealing his sharp needle teeth that curved.

You wondered what he could do with those... Damn it, shut up brain.

"Well, besides Brain hitting on me again.."

Amour drops his plate as his eyes meet yours, his fingers began to twitch. "What."

"Brian's morons came by and tried to set me up with him.  And he wouldn't leave me alone all day.. Are you okay?"

The food was hot and it had just spilled all over his lap, yet he didn't seem to mind.

His face was unreadable, blank as his eyes went black, a smile starting to rise.

"Kono yarou.." He grits his teeth.

(You piece of sh*t)

"Amour, it's okay. I told him I'm taken, you know I wouldn't leave you for him." You put your hand on his shoulder to calm him.

He shivered under your touch, cheeks turning pink as his eye lights returned. "Oh! Of course I know that!"

He stands. "I'm going to clean up! Be right back beautiful!"

He takes the broken plate with him as he tip toes to the kitchen, where the washer and dryer were as well.

You sighed in relief, you defused him. You knew what he was capable of, and no more innocent blood needed to be spilt tonight.


In your shared room, Amour was curled up around your waist, his head in your lap with one arm around your waist.

His wings flat against his back as he snored lightly.

You ran your fingers through the feathers on his wings, they were very soft and smelled of cotton candy.

It was a shame he didn't use them much, you would love to have wings.

Now that you thought of it, Amour was like a rose. Sweet and sharp.

Soft like a rose's petals, sweet like the scent of a pink rose. Easy on the eyes but if rubbed the wrong way, you could end up with thorns.. Or in his case, blades jabbing into your hands.

You smiled and kissed his skull, making him stir, but smile in his sleep.

Soon enough his soul beat lulled you to sleep.




"Yes Darling?" He smiles, tilting his head.

"Why is Brian's head on my nightstand?"



"Sorry, I'll remove it up now!" He drags it like its nothing, blood getting on the floor.

"I'll clean that up too!"

What were you going to do with him?

After his shower he clung to your side, nuzzling your neck with his cheek. At least he smelled like strawberry donuts now.

Wait.. What did he do with Brian's head?

You know what, you didn't want to know. You shook your head and held your bloody angel close as he giggled.

"Love you senpai."

"Love you too chibi."

(Chibi means short or runt)


Sorry if its bad. I wanted to write about the elements, but I forgot my idea. -_-

I'll write about em here in a while.

Hope you enjoyed. :3

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