Ice try. (Short story)

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What happens when they go ice skating. Enjoy ~

**************(snow flakes)******

Creator smiled as she hung up the phone, slamming it into the table, making it fall on the floor.

She was far too excited to care about Cupid's phone at the moment, she ran into the kitchen where the others gathered to eat.

"Guys! Octavian just called, the lake finally froze over! Isn't that great!" She screams, causing Lockheart to wince.

Cupid turned to her sitting his fork aside. "That is great! We can finally get out of the mansion and go ice skating!"

Lockheart frowns, crossing his arms and sighing out a fireball. "Pass!"

Coby nodded. "I'm gonna have to sit this one out too.. Far too cold for me. I just recovered from my fever!"

Creator patted his head. "Its okay scaley butt, you don't have to go."

Cyrus walked into the kitchen. "I shall watch over the house to prevent Lockheart and Coby from fighting. Again."

Chris smiles taking a sip from his hot chocolate. "Good luck with that circuits. I'm ready to go when you are." He winks at the Burnett.

Cyrus frowns at the nickname then leaves the room, doing.. Whatever cyborgs do. 

Creator smiles. "Great! Get your a**es in the car!" She grabs Chris by the hand and yanks him out the door.

The others tossed on their coats, scarves/gloves and boots, following after them.

Hallow having a gingerbread cookie hanging out of his mouth on the way out.


"Cuz its too cooooooold for you here! So put your hands in the holes of my sweater!" Asher sing, flapping his long sleeves in an irritated angels face.

Fear rolled his eyes and focused on the road, using his extra legs to work the pedals as he sat on a stack of books.


"Its great to see you all again, its been far too long." Aspen greets with a smile, being a little shorter since his antlers fell of for the winter.

Creator hugs the earth element. "It has, I missed you grassy boy."

Igniter rolls his eyes. "Enough with the fluffy bulls*it. Let's go, octave probably thinks we ditched him."

Creator pulled away from Aspen and followed after the angry fire element, who melted the snow around him.

Alistair flew proudly above them, specks of ice coming off his wings as he smiled at new festive skeleton he had never seen before.

Chris sent him a half wave.


"Well.. Turns out everyone is horrible at ice skating.. Who knew?" Creator laughed, drinking out of her mug, then leaning her head on Igniter's shoulder.

Igniter rolled his eyes. "Well you didn't make them with that talent,  and most of them are never near snow. But I will admit, it's hilarious to see them smack their face on the ice." He chuckles.

Asher was on all fours, trying to get a grip, yet failing, making him fall into a pile of snow.

Hallow held onto a branch, currently stuck in place, afraid to move or he'd fall on his a**.

Cupid glided around the ice with ease, wings fluttering the ice off of them, sparkling the frozen lake below him.

Chris skated backwards, hands in his pockets he smirked to the others who fell.

Fear sat on the bridge, just watching the others fail or showoff. Maybe he should teach them a thing or two.. He smirks.

Cupid saw Fear's smirk and he skated to the side to move out of the way, ending up smacking into Hallow.

Hallow yelped and fell on his back.

Chris busted out in laughter, still skating in circles. "Spare!"

He stops laughing when he sees the black widow walking up to the waters edge.

"Hey! Leave it to the professionals. You're just gonna end up like your buddies over there." He points to the pile of werewolf, vampire and angel.

Fear shakes his head, tying the skates to his feet. "I don't plan too Kringle."

Chris smirks. "Hmm. Well let's see what you got Hastings!" The winter skeleton skates to the side, leaning against the fence post.

Fear smirks and tosses his glasses to Creator, who caught them in her gloved hands. She sends a wink to him.

Fear takes a deep breath in then skates to the middle of the ice.

First he started out with a backwards strut, before he spun and power skated across the entire lake, figure eights left in his path.

Fear twirled as the extra legs he had popped out of his back, he used them to hop up and finish his figure skating.

He had signed his name on the carving he made on the ice, it was a large spider made of ice.

Fear sent a smirk to a shocked Chris, who's mouth was agape.

The others cheered and clapped their hands.

Creator walked up to the champion and gave him back his glasses. "How's that, Kringle?"

Chris' eye twitched. "... How!?"

Fear shrugged his shoulders. "You learn a lot of things when you're an orphan living alone in the freezing woods."


Many skeletons sat around the roaring fireplace, each of them covered in blankets and fuzzy socks.

Creator had fallen asleep on Aspen, who was currently doing Sudoku.

Igniter passed out by the fireplace.

Hallow was still shivering, and rubbing his aching back.

Cupid frowns at him while he tightens the bandages on his wings.

Asher was currently stuffing his face with the pie that Aspen made hours ago, which was still warm.

Chris sat in a recliner, still questioning everything in life. How the hell was a spider good at skating!?

Fear drank his hot tea as he read his book about a Christmas love story, of course his hand blocked the others from seeing the cover.

Alistair hid away in his room wrapping presents.

Octavian fell asleep in Creator's lap.

~And back at the mansion~

Cyrus held Lock by the horn and Coby by a snake. "Which one of you was it who ate Cupid's prized gingerbread house?"

Lockheart growled. "It wasn't me you tin can!"

Coby hisses. "I didn't do it!"

Cyrus sighs, dropping them both on the floor harshly. "One of you better fess up, or else none of you are getting anything for Christmas. "

"But I didn't touch the stupid gingerbread house!" Lockheart yells after the cyborg.

Coby frowns. "Me neither! I hate gingerbread!"

Cyrus rolls his eyes. "Sure you do. Liar."  He leaves them both to argue in the kitchen.

End. I hope you enjoyed!

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