Suspicions dancer. (short story)

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Basically Creator's crush.. Makes a return. X3

A gift for my sister who ships me with this dork. I hope she reads this!

Anyway, I know you guys said you ship me with Teddy, but here's my current crush at the moment.


It was early in the morning, the Outcast snoozing away in their rooms, or sleep talking.

But, their creator snuck passed their rooms, on her tip toes, sneaking down the stairs with a gym bag in hanging over her shoulder.

She tripped over the bottom step, but she landed safely, thanks to fanfiction logic, but dropped the gym bag, making it smack into the side table.

Who put the damn table there in the first place?

Creator grit her teeth and cursed under her breath, picking up the bag , slinging it over her shoulder once again.

She was just inches away from the front door when she jumped from a certain British voice.

"What are you doing?" Fear asked, hanging from the ceiling above her, his arms crossed like an angry parent.

"Ugh.. Fear you scared me!"

"That's what my name means, yes. But answer me. What are you doing, leaving at eight in the morning?" The widow asks, some how drinking his coffee upsidedown.

"I... Um.. Have business to attend to!" She smiles awkwardly.

Fear gives her his 'stare', clearly not believing her. "You and I both know that's a lie."

She sighs. "Fine, I'm visiting a friend.. I didn't want Amour to freak out.. And I didn't want to deal with Coby's teasing.. And you guys would just interrogate him!"

Fear raises a brow. "That wasn't so hard now, was it? Anyway, who is this friend of yours?"

Creator's cheeks turn a slight pink. "A close one, he's been giving me dancing lessons.. Since I can't dance to save my life."

Fear chuckled to himself, remembering her two left feet. And when she fell at the Christmas party.

"Alright, you can go. But come back before seven or else I'll send Romeo after you two." Fear smirks.

Creator nods and runs out the door. "Thanks Fear!" She whisper yells as the door shuts behind her.

Fear shakes his head, landing on the floor, he walked over to the front window opening the curtain he saw a skeleton that was taller than his mother.

"Hmm.. Let's see what the others think of this suspicious dancer.."

The skeleton picked up the horned girl and spun her before they disappeared into a flame of blue.

Fear had a smirk on his face as he ran up the wall to wake up the others.



Fear winces from their yelling, he sets his coffee mug down and sends a glare to Cupid. "Why do I feel like this is your doing?"

Cupid huffed, hands on his hips. "It was not! Just because I'm a match maker doesn't mean I set up Creator with random dudes!"

Coby hisses. "Who is this joker anyway! Why does she have to hide him from usss!?"

"Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that she doesn't like humans?" Asher timidly asks, raising a hand.

Lockheart kicks the table, silently yelping at the mistake, he wasn't even wearing socks..

"I say we follow her! Figure out who this a**hole is!"

Fear shrugs. "You all do that, I'm staying her to make sure she gets home during curfew." He takes another sip of coffee.

Cupid crosses his arms. "Everyone get dressed! Now!"


Five cloaked skeletons walked through the snow covered down, hiding their faces in search of the short horned girl.

Many monsters were very confused... How did Sans clone himself?

Cupid had Asher on a leash as he sniffed out their Creator, despite not having a nose.

Asher stopped at the end of a cavern, it was full of glowing water and whispering flowers.

"She's in here. *sniffs* he is too..." Asher growls and charges forward, yanking Cupid with him like the video of the old lady with the big dog.

Lockheart and Hallow flew after them, Hallow being forced to carry Coby who was just on his phone as always.


They all hid in the tall aqua colored grass, which was tall enough to hide each of them as they watched their Creator sway in the arms of the other skeleton.

A pop song playing as he twirled her, spinning her by the waist.

She giggled, her arms around his neck as their bodies grew closer and closer, she could feel his breath by her neck.

Cupid smiled and gushed at the cuteness, only to have Lock smack him out of it.

Hallow tilted his head. "Vwow.. She seems so happy?"

"Bleh.. Romance.."

The hooded skeleton chuckled at her cuteness as he dipped her, his teeth about to meet her lips.

Cupid's wings fluttered, scattering pink pixie dust all over the grass, making it glow in romantic lighting.

Lockheart gagged and sneezed from the dust. "Damn it! You're making it worse!"

"But its so cute!" Cupid gushed holding his cheeks, halo growing pinker by the minuet.

The girl had no idea what came over her, but she suddenly got the confidence to kiss the skeleton on his cheekbone.

His face erupted in dark blue. "Two can play at that fame señorita.~"

He spun her once again and tripped her, making her fall onto the ground, him above her.

"I think I'm going to hurl.." Lock muttered, Cupid paid no mind and kept giggling to himself.

"Guys... Vwe should do something.. They're about to kiss."

Asher's eyes widen and he hops out of the grass, tackling the skeleton, barring his teeth with vicious growls.

Creator snapped out of her daze and tried to pull the werewolf off of her friend. "Asher! Stop it!"

Cupid frowned, crossing his arms with a pout as his aura had vanished.

The rest came out of the grass and stood behind their Creator.

She finally pushed Asher off and held him by the ear. "Disc are you alright?"

The skeleton nodded, returning his hood back on his skull. "Yeah... What's you're problem?"

Asher growls again, his fur standing on end.

Lockheart picked up Creator by her waist, slinging her over his shoulder. "Sorry lover boy! Better luck next time!"

He took off with the girl in in his arms.

Hallow sent one last hiss to Disc before flying after them.

Asher did the same then ran after them on all fours.

Coby sent him a shrug and jogged after them, holding his snakes back with his hand.

Cupid helped the skeleton off the ground. "I'm sorry about them. We.. Tend to get a little overprotective of her. She is our mom after all!"

Disc shrugged, hands in his pockets. "Its alright.. Just kind of killed the mood.."

Cupid nodded. "Sorry, I promise I'll help you out next time! My brother is kind of a buzz kill, I'll see you soon Disc, and I'm bringing Romeo with me next time!"

Cupid sent him a playful wink before fluttering away, leaving the dancer skeleton to recollect what just happened.

(I got bored)

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