Headcannon- Secret abilities.

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Eh, a comment inspired me.


Cupid can bring dead things back to life.

He tried to hide this from you, but one time you stepped outside to ask him something, and you saw him revive one of his fish that had died.

You were freaked out and it took an hour for him to calm you down.


Hallow uses it as a party trick, but he can change his tongue color and for you, flavor.

Any kind of candy he eats, changes the taste and color.

You got giddy about this and bought a massive bag of all of your favorite candies just so you could give him heated kisses.

And he is just as giddy as you are, he's willing and tears into the bag as soon as you bring it home.


Asher can turn into a normal scary wolf, or into a cute wolf pup at anytime.

Full moon is the scary wolf, and a half moon is when he gets really poofy and cute.

He wanted to hide this from you because he was embarrassed. But you found him covered in fur, and making cute puppy sounds, you scooped him up in your arms.

You baby talk him until it wears off, leaving him a frustrated and flustered mess of floof.

When he's smol he looks like a husky puppy.

But..  Once either one wears off, he usually wakes up naked. Which.. Is very awkward at times.


Fear can sing like a Syrian.

His voice is luring, soft and sweet.

He gets annoyed when you don't pay attention to him, so he sings to lure you to him.

His song can also change your emotions to anything he wants.

And when he's bored, he'll ask you to cover your ears while he sings to the others, making them fall asleep, just so he can have some fun with you, without them bothering you.


Lock here can glide/float for a short time.

You learned about this, when Hallow swooped and took you from him for laughs.

But, Lock got annoyed and floated up to him, taking you from his arms, he then landed on his sharp heels before walking away with you.

Hallow flied there, with his jaw agape.

You just stared at him in disbelief. "You can freaking float!?"

He shakes his head with a smirk. "Yeah.. What of it?" He chuckles and continues to walk away with you in his arms.



You may have known this one, but Amour can shape shift.

He likes to turn into Romeo to tease you, he likes to turn into Lockheart to burn people for fun.

He can turn into any of them. If its hard to tell which one he is from the original, then...

Here's what ya do!

Just say- "Aww, that guy over there is cute!"

The clone will rush over to you with a knife in his hand. "Who's cute!?" While the eyes turn pink, breaking his cover.

"Found him!" You smile.


Romeo can smell you from anywhere, no matter how far.

He always knows who you're with, what your doing, and where you're at.

But.. There's a bad side to this.

He uses scent as a weapon.

With a flap of his wings, dust falls off of the wings, causing an aura to glow around you. Making you extremely clingy towards him.

In more ways than one.

If you wanna date this dork, then make sure he has his wings folded.

Or he'll tease you just because he's bored.


Jasper can make himself shift from untouchable to touchable if he wants. Know, that he'll only do this to the person he trusts.

Even if he's touchable, you can only touch his hands.

But, being a ghost he has many talents. That's just one that's rare.


But he can touch and hug you all he wants, he does have yandere tendencies. Handle with care. Don't let Amour teach him bad habits.

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