Birthday gorgon. (b-day special)

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Today January 15th is Coby's birthday! He just turned two!

Yesterday I found his first draft (drawing) oh god it was cringy. XD

Does.. Does Coby have fangirls..? Anyone..?


I think I hear Coby crying in his room... I'll go and get the ice cream.


You had just been invited by Creator to come by the mansion and celebrate Coby's birthday!

Well, she actually just had Cyrus drag you out of your house and carry you like a sack of potatoes all the way there.

Cyrus opened the door and dropped you on the floor harshly. "Creator. Ms.y/n has arrived."

"Thanks Cy!" You hear Creator yell before Fear lowers her onto the floor.

"What's going on? And why did Cyrus throw me on the floor?" You ask as she helps you up.

She shrugs her shoulders. "Sorry about that, Cyrus has been pretty grumpy today. And its Coby's birthday! Were setting up a surprise party for him. Fear and I were fixing the streamers."

"What do you need me to do?" You ask her.

She smiles. "Do you think you could help Cupid  and Jasper set the table? Coby has a sweet tooth."

You nod. "Sure, you look great by the way."

She wore a green dress that went to her knees with a black studded belt. And a black half jacket.

"Huh? Oh thanks. Everyone us going with a green theme for Coby. I sent him on a trip to the store with Hallow. H should text me when they're on they're way." She winks.

You laugh a little. "Let's hope that they don't buy out the whole candy isle."

"Yeah.. Then they'd puke everywhere.. And I'm not cleaning that." She gags as Fear lands next to her.

"Agreed. That would be disgusting." Fear scoffs and picks her up by the waist.

"Have fun y/n. Make yourself at home!" Creator grins as Fear takes her back up the ceiling.


The kitchen was a mess, green icing everywhere. Cupid ran back and forth around the kitchen, cooking twelve things at once.

He even wore a pastel green version of his normal clothes, but his sash was black and studded. Along with studded bracelets.

"Oh y/n! Can you get the cupcakes out of the oven? I've got to keep an eye on these cookies!" He pants taking a cookie tray and shoving it in the top stove.

"Sure." You quickly rush over to the second stove and (with an oven mit) you take a tray of fresh, vanilla cupcakes out of the oven.

"Thank you!" He grabs a bowl and slides it over to you. "Put the icing in those please!"

You grab the large spoon, dipping it in the icing and swirling it around each cupcake, then tossed purple sprinkles onto each one.

Jasper swirled passed you holding a few bottles. "Cupid, I got the alcohol from the basement, which one would Coby want?"

Cupid sets the hot cookies down on the counter shaking his hands from getting burnt. "Ow ow ow! Fiddle sticks with cotton balls!"

Jasper tilted his head. "What does that even mean?"

Cupid shook his head. "Never mind that! What ones did you pick?"

"Oh, well, Merlot, Red wine, Champagne, and whisky?"

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