A matchmakers match.

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Cupid x soulmate! Reader.

I love soulmate fanfics.. If only they were real..-_-

Soulmate au: where everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate.


Cupid smiled, sitting on his pink cloud he watched over all of the happy couples he's made.

All the smiles, the love in the air, the giggling, it all made him feel warm inside.

He sighs and sets his bow in his lap. "All the other hearts are radiating in warmth.. Except mine.."

One of his hands hovers over his heart, it beat slowly and it was cold.

He both loved and hated his job, it was a blessing and a curse. All his life he would bring love to even the loneliest of souls, except his own.

He wasn't getting and older, since with every successful couple he made, he got younger and cuter.

But, he always felt like something was missing from his life. Like.. A chunk of his heart had been taken.

What if he was cursed? A matchmaker forced to never have someone to spend their life with?

He sighs as a few tears fall down his squishy cheeks. "Maybe I'm not meant to be with anyone..." He brings his knees up to his chest and cries into the palms of his hands.

All his life everything lacked color, he only saw dull gray's and blacks and whites. It was almost like a filter that covered his vision.

He didn't even know what color his magic was.. Or his soul.

"Maybe I am supposed to die alone.." He hiccups and burrows his face into his scarf.

"Hey, what's caused you to get a case of the water works?" A arm wraps around his shoulder.

Cupid recognised the voice and the smell of the skeleton beside him. It was a heavy scent of perfume and sweet roses.

"I just don't get it.." Cupid sobs into his brothers shoulder.

Romeo sighs. "You're hung up over the soulmate thing again? CC, look at me, I don't even believe in that garbage. If we had one, wouldn't we have found them by now?"


"But nothing. Maybe us love guardians aren't cut out for that sort of thing, I mean. I'm the guardian of lust, do you really think I'm gonna have a match?" Romeo scoffs and pats his brothers shoulder.

"But.. Everyone else has a match.. It seems like everyone else on the planet has a match except us.. Isn't that unfair?" Cupid asks, wiping his eyes.

Romeo sighs. "CC, life isn't fair, you've got to learn to except that, now come on. Let's get you a cappuccino sound good?"

Cupid smiles. "Sure."

"There's that smile, c'mon my treat." Romeo helps his brother up and they fly down to the city below them.


The little bell ran when they entered the cafe. "Go ahead and take a seat, I'll order for us." Romeo smiles and walks up to the counter.

Cupid nods and sits in the far corner as to not get weird stares. Well.. What would you do if the actual Cupid sat in front of you?

Romeo approached the front counter and he rang the bell twice. "Heya sweetheart, when you're done pulling on that thing I got an order ready.~"

A h/c girl rolled her eyes and walked up to him. "Sorry about that, I'm y/n, how can I help you?"

He leans on the counter. "You're fine as wine.~ Now, I need a cappuccino with the heart design with extra marshmallows. And I'll take a apple fritter.~ Thanks darling.~" He sends her a wink then leaves to find his table.

Y/n shakes her head. "Looks like we've got a comic here..." She mutters and hands the order to the male behind her.


"You good bro?" Romeo asks, downing his sixth sugar packet.

Cupid nods. "Yeah.. I'll be alright. I think after this, I'm going to work in my garden a bit."

Romeo chuckles. "I'm surprised your garden isn't your soulmate with how much you fool around with it.~"

Cupid's face burns. "Unacceptable! Keep your witty comments to yourself!" He hides his face in his scarf again.

Romeo laughs and slams his fist on the table. "Your reaction was priceless! You're still too pure aren't you!?" He laughs even harder.

Y/n walks up to their table with a small tray on her hip. "Alright, here's your cappuccino and apple fritter. Is there anything else I can get you?"

Romeo sends her a wink. "Your number?"

She sends him a glare but before she can say anything Cupid interrupts her.

"Romeo! Stop it! That isn't how you act in front of a lady!" Cupid huffs then looks at her. "I am so sorry.. He always does this.."

Y/n blushes. "Oh, its alright. I'm kind of used to guys hitting on me."

Cupid blushes as well looking into her eyes they sparkled in a stunning e/c... Wait.

Y/n bashfully smiles. He was pretty cute with his innocent pink eyes.. Wait.

Romeo looks at them both, then her, then him. "Holy sh*t! You two are soulmates!"

Cupid side glares at him. "Oh.. It seems that we are.. I ahem.. I'm Cupid, the Cupid actually." He has his hand out to her.

She smiles. "I'm y/n. Aren't you adorable, where have you been all my life?"

Cupids face burns pink. "I.. I.."

She giggles and kisses his heart stamp. "I get off work at eight. Call me.~" She winks and hands him a napkin with her number.

When she walks away, Cupid stands there dumfounded. "What.. What just happened?"

Romeo squeals. "Oh my god you two are super cute! And.." He looks in his little leather book. "Aw! And you're gonna have three kids!"

Cupid throws his cappuccino at Romeo.

End.? I hope you enjoyed! :3

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