Momma Creator.

776 20 17

What's this? Another update? Well I can't sleep, have fun.

Basically a kind of back story of how I got the outcast. Yes they'll be smol's in this.


I sat in my room, just keeping to myself as I always did, phone in hand as I read through many undertale fanfictions.

Since I've been a shut in, I never really spoke much either, all I ever did was read. And draw whenever I had the free time.

While listening to my music after finishing the Mafia sans fanfic, I was suddenly struck with random inspiration.

As I drew the small skeleton dressed clad in a blue bandanna, blood all over his apron I heard a sound.

Like... Something falling?

At first I thought it was one of my pets, but then I looked down and saw them sleeping in their small beds.

I set my sketchbook aside, walking out of my room, on my tiptoes which was a strange habit I've had since I was small, I looked out into the living room.

It was dark, which was normal since it was late at night, but suddenly a bright yellow glow lit up the room, it was strange.. The light seemed to put me at ease.

Entering the room, I saw a small figure, it being curled up on the floor, the shining light was from the halo over its head.

I gently tip toed over to it, I sat on my legs as I sat next to it, I gently brought it into my arms.

I moved the blanket from its face, it was a.. Baby skeleton monster?

I rubbed its cheek with my thumb, making its eyes look into mine. They shined a beautiful bubblegum pink.

I smiled as it cooed, I kissed its little face, my mother since ticking as I brought them closer.

After the kisses, I noticed the heart stamps that weren't there just a moment ago.

I knew it. I got my angel now.


That same night Cupid laid on my bed, sleeping soundly, I still had no idea where he even came from, I could only think that he was sent from above.

I heard a tap on my window.

I kiss Cupid's forehead as I walked over to the balcony, looking down I saw a tiny basket.

"What in the world?" I opened the doors and picked up the basket.

There wasn't a note or anything, but inside was another infant skeleton monster.

They had stripes on their head, a candy corn themed pacifier in their mouth.

I picked them- him up into my arms, holding his small body in my hands.

He let out a giggle and large purple wings popped out from his back, it spooked me. I jumped making him giggle even more.

He spit the pacifier out, revealing his gums, yet he had small fangs sticking out.

I smile and kiss his forehead and set him next to Cupid.

He'll need a name too..

"Hmm.. Jackson Hollows.. I like that." I smiled as his wings flapped happily.



My sister was watching over Cupid and Hallow for me while I was walking through the woods to clear my head.

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