Love from the dead.

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Jasper x reader since he needs fanfics. I know, I'm sorry! I try to refrain from angst or sadness so that's why I use the others more frequently.

Creator: Jasper, I'm making you a story.

Jasper: *happy ghost noises*

Creator:... And he's glowing pink now. What the hell.

Fanart above is made by an amazing artist i'mma follow after this so I can tag ya. :3 Its so pretty and cute.


Time for a fresh start, you had finally gotten out of your parents place, only to move into an apartment for the time being.

You knew soon that'd you'd probably need a roommate to help you with rent. However the apartment was cheap do to people thinking that it was haunted.

But maybe a ghost monster already lived there and they forgot about them? You knew they were around you love DJ Blooky.

You shrug your shoulders and stack a few boxes up by the front door, you'll take care of them later you've got to turn the heat on, it was freezing in here!

While you searched for the dial, a spider slid down from its web and turned to the invisible skeleton spirit.

"You like her don't you? The spider asked with a slight chuckle.

The ghost blushes. " w-what? N-no! I'm just glad to have some company!"

"Sure, whatever you say." The spider smirks and crawls back up into his web, far up so you couldn't see him.

Jasper sighs and sits on your couch hiding his blushing face into his see through hands.

Finally setting it to the right temperature, you roll your sleeves up to unpack some boxes, you start with the bedroom first.

Unaware of the curious ghost floating behind you.


Surprisingly there was a bed in there already, lucky for you you guess.

The sheets were a deep purple with a clock pattern design. Who ever lived here before you had a great taste in steam punk.

Maybe after a wash you sleep there. Don't know who's been in it.

You roll back the sheets to fold them so you could wash them, when you stumbled back and saw what looked like dried blood!?

It was a lot too, like a murder happened!? That's why the rent was a little steep and why everyone thought it was haunted.

It looked old, like the landlord covered it up and didn't bother to tell you or anyone about it.

The ticking of a clock became louder from your right, it had gotten colder in the room.

On the bedside table was a shattered picture of a loving couple. The skeleton in the picture seemed to be happily in love, while the woman looked like she didn't really want to be there, despite wearing a wedding ring like he was.

"Vandergiest... I've heard that name before." You mumble to yourself and  tuck the photo frame into the back of your closet.

It's okay! You can get this cleaned up! No worries. You quickly take the sheets to the laundry room.

You didn't run for your life after seeing that?  Jasper though with a smile. Maybe he could get used to having you around.

Finally someone cleaned that up.. Now he doesn't have to look at his death bed anymore.


After almost a week of living here, things started to happen. You swore you've seen something in the corner of your eye, only for it to disappear.

And your things would be set up neatly without you doing it.

Like once you had gotten out of the shower and there was a stack of clothes and a few towels sitting on top of the sink waiting for you.

It gave you chills but you tried your best to ignore it, thinking you've simply put those there then forgotten about it.

But you had no idea that your morning was going to go this way..

You had woken up still slightly sleepy as you entered the kitchen, which smelled like fresh pancakes.

Wait.. You didn't cook anything.

You drop your cup of coffee once you see your pans moving by themselves, flipping pancakes like they had minds of their own!

Your loud yelp catches him off guard, and suddenly a see through skeleton with a ghostly tail appears and almost drops what he's making.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I thought you were going to be asleep longer! I wanted to surprise you! But.. I-" He turns the stove off and floats over to you, keeping his distance as to not scare you any further.

They were right, your apartment was a friendly ghost? That cooks!?

You reached your hand out. "I'm y/n, your roommate?"

He tilts his head, surprised at how well you were taking this. Usually humans ran for the hills after seeing him.

His hand glew a brighter white and he took your hand in his and shook it. "Jasper. I used to live here until..."

He clutches his throat nervously, seeming to space out for a few minuets.

He quickly shakes his head. "I'm sorry! Well, breakfast is ready!"

He floats over to the stove to make you a plate while you sit at the kitchen table with a smile.

For a ghost he was cute, maybe a little cold, but you could get used to him.

The spider in the corner of the room giggled to itself.


You and Jasper had gotten close rather fast, but he was funny and made you laugh, making fun of all the ghost hunting shows.

A month had gone by quickly or so it seemed, you had just gotten off work and plopped on the couch.

"Rough day?" Jasper asks, swirling around you with a worried smile. His smoke was a little pink at the ends.

You nod lazily. "Yeah.. I guess you could say that."

Jasper smiles and picks you up bridal style, making your cheeks burn at his sudden closeness.

He chuckles and floats you to your room. "You need to properly relax! Not on that couch it's bad for your back. Now, rest now!"

Laying you on the bed, he tossed the blanket over you before tucking you in, it was the same comforter from the day you moved in, but it smelled of lavender instead of death.

"Night Jasper." You smile, rolling on your side.

His face turns a pretty shade between pink and purple. "Goodnight y/n." He pecks your forehead in a cold kiss.

Just as he was about to leave, you grab his sleeve. "Stay?"

He smiles bashfully. "I'm not exactly the best person to cuddle with, but for you sure thing!"

He lays behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, his head on your shoulder.

His smoke surrounded the two of you like a hug, a warm hug. He wrapped up his neck so he wouldn't get blood on you.

This was nice, he though with a tired smile. He hadn't slept in years, he held you closer like you meant the world to him.

You did mean the world to him.

"Sleep well my dear.." He mutters with a yawn, his eye light fades and you both fall asleep to the soft ticking of his pocket watch and eye.

End. :3 Have some Jasper floof since he's a depressed bean.

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