Dark waters. (900+ Special)

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I love you guys so much you have no idea. ^W^ Thank you all! I never thought I'd get this far, I never though anyone would read my garbage. Thanks for sticking with me for this long. Love you all~!



Many people thought you had it, you avoided water like it would burn you. You would never go near a pool, lake or beach.

In reality, you've read stories and saw so many movies where bad things happen, like shark attacks, people drowning, how deep and dark it was...never knowing what's in it with you.

You felt a chill go down your spine at the thought of it. And of course your friends knew of your phobia, but they didn't seem to care.

They decided a camping trip to clear your mind would help, they wanted to go swimming in the large lake that the park was famous for, it had a legend.

Stacy, the blonde sitting next to you put a hand on your shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?"

You let out a shaky breath. "What if that legend is true? What if the lake monster really does eat campers?"

She laughs. "Y/n, this town is old. The story keeps changing every year! Hardly anyone believes in that crap anymore! Calm down, we're here to have fun!"

Her boyfriend Chase, who was driving the car let out a laugh. "Ooh! Little y/n is scared! Watch out for the spooky killer fish! Ooh!"

Stacy smacked his shoulder then turned to you. "Y/n, its going to be okay. We're only going to be here for the weekend. You don't have to go by the lake at all if you don't want to."

You send her a nervous smile. "Thanks Stace."

She smiles back. "Anytime y/n!"


You were sitting at one of the picnic tables just scrolling through your phone, it was weird for a campsite to have signal.

Stacy had her pink bikini on when she ran up to you. "Me and Chase are gonna swim for a bit! You can stay here if you want."

You felt your anxiety picking up. "Um, shouldn't we all stay together?"

"Well, I figured you wouldn't want to see the lake since.. Well.." She trials off, trying not to hurt your feelings.

You sigh. "I'll sit at the docks."

"Great! I'll bring the snacks!" She beams, clapping her hands.


Chase tried to impress Stacy, only failing and falling off the rope swing and getting his leg stuck in it.

Stacy rolled her eyes and helped him down. "You're such an idiot. Why do I date you?"

He laughs, falling into the water. "Cuz I'm sexy?"

"Thanks not it." She laughs and splashes him with water then swims quickly away from him.

You just watched them with a slight smile on your face. You were sitting on the edge of the dock, sitting criss crossed with one of your favorite books in your hands.

You kind of felt left out, but looking down at the water below you and at how dark the water was.. You didn't want to know what lurked under the waves.

Snakes, snapping turtles, bugs, alligators, crocodiles, and the lake monster thing.

You didn't want to know, you shook your head and tried to focus on the book in your lap.


You had been there for a while, long enough for you to finish your book, the sun was starting to go down.

You looked back over to your friends. Stacy was floating in a donut floaty, while Chase was about to splash her again.

But he stopped and looked down at the water around him. "What the hell?"

Stacy tipped down her shades. "What? Chase did you pee in the water? Gross! Get away from me!"

He rolled his eyes. "No! Something keeps bumping into me! Its sharp! Ow! Quit it you f**ker!"

"Its probably a catfish who thinks your knees taste good. Shut up you goof!" She bonked him in the head.

"No, its bigger! Ow!" He yelps trying to punch the thing.

Your heart rate increased, what if it was the lake monster!? "Guys I think you should get out now!"

Suddenly Chase and pulled down under the water, he started to flail against the thing.

"Oh ha ha, Chase you're not fooling anyone." Stacy huffs, sitting up in her donut floaty.

The water had gone silent.. Chase's flailing stopping in under minuets, it was still.

"What no stupid 'oh I got cha!' Cut it out chase. It isn't funny anymore." Stacy crosses her arms.

You were starting to get worried, you couldn't see that good fro where you were, they were basically in the middle of the lake. The deepest part.

"Chase?" Stacy hops out of the donut floaty and ducks under to look for him.

Something began to swim towards her, its body glowing a neon aqua green, it was huge... Tail swished behind it, splashing the water around it.

It was real... It was all too real!

"Stacy! Get the hell out of there now! Look behind you!" You shout.

She popped her head out, fear on her face. "Y/n! I can't find Chase!"

She started to swim towards the dock, only getting pulled under the blood filled waves, her scream bubbling under the water.

"Stacy!" You ran off the dock onto the beach to get one of their phones.

Just as you pickup the phone, he water went still again. You turned only for your eyes to widen.

Sitting at the edge of the water was a monster you've never seen before, it grinning at you with two rows of sharp teeth, covered in the blood of your friends. 

It was dressed in a pirates coat, it had its arms crossed studying you and your movements.

The fins on wither sides of its skull fluttered a little, them being black and aquamarine glowing slightly. The aquamarine lines under its eyes glowing as well.

"Ooh.. How cute. Is the little lamb going to call for help? I don't think so... I was craving some dessert. ~"  He coos, his bloody grin widens.

You dropped the phone, his voice was so.. Luring... What was happening to you.

"That's right, come to me my dear. I know what you desire, you liar, come to the waters edge..." He sang, webbed fingers luring you closer to him with a come here motion.

Your eyelids suddenly felt heavy as you slowly made your way over to him, you didn't know what was happening. 

Something was pulling you to him.

"Come closer darling.. Let me see if you're as sweet as you look.~"

Your body went numb as his claws dug into your sides, pulling you under the waves.


"Sir.. There is no sign of them." A female cop says to a man with h/c hair, he fell to the ground and wept.

One of the officers looks over the lake, seeing a glow under the waves. He looks back at the other officers searching the campsite for clues.

"I knew we should have shut this place down....Damn sirens...."


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