Headcannon: Pros and cons.

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The original title was waaaay too long.

Basically: Dating them includes blah blah blah.

I'm bad at titles.

I'm probably gonna eat something after writing this.. Idk what tho.

Been super long since the last headcannon, I'm sure people miss em.


Dating them would include---


-Lots of cuddles.
-Lots of sweets.
-Cupid is basically a wife.
-Random kisses on the cheek.
-Pixie dust every where.
-Lots of chocolate. And pocky.
-Pink. Lots of pastel pink.
-Random hugs.
-He'll steal your sweets randomly.
-He'll take over your kitchen.
-Lots of fluffy blankets.
-Nothing s*xual related with him.
-Weird cursing.
-Lots of houseplants.
-He plants roses whenever he can.
-Clingy at times.
-He's very busy, works at strange hours.
-Archery practice, watch out for flying arrows.
-Passionate kisses are rare.
-"Cake" Being sung by him at random.



-Lots of candy.
-Lots of horror/halloween films.
-Nightmare before Christmas is always playing.
-Lots of candy corn.
-Random neck nuzzles.
-Random neck kisses.
-Nipped lips.
-Random wing hugs.
-Not very touchy in.. That way. Don't expect that from our vampy boi.
-He'll raid your purse for sweets.
-Going out at night.
-Hallow is nocturnal, he stays up late.
-He usually stays up longer than you.
-Nose kisses when he's in bat form.
-He's very cold, tries to keep close to you to get warm.
-Very catlike while in bat form.
-He loves to play with your hair.
-He'll pull you in his lap at random and hide his face in your neck.
-Your kitchen is filled with any red food he could find.
-He snores.
-He'll put costume makeup on you while you're asleep.
-Pranks. He pranks you any time he gets the chance.



-Passionate kisses.
-He's a bit if a perv.
-Snake kisses.
-Anti venom is in every drawer.
-Random taps on the rear.
-He'll tackle you in your room then just pass out on top of you.
-Stupid snake puns.
-Drunken mishaps.
-Late night parties.
-Coby is very touchy feely.
(In more ways than one)
-His mom embarrassing you.
-Cold blooded cuddles.
-Stupid pickup lines.
-He can't cook at all.
-He's grumpy when he sheds.
-He'll turn his old snake skin into fancy purses for you.
-Fork tongue flickers.
-Sssss (lots of hissing)
-Turns lamia at random.
-Takes forever in the bathroom.
-Sometimes picks out your clothes, but loves the way you dress.
-Protective over you.



-Lots of cuddles.
-Pecks on the cheek.
-Nose nuzzles despite not having a nose.
-A little overprotective.
-Growls at anyone who looks at you funny.
-Acts more like a puppy than a wolf.
-He's lazy.
-Lovie dovie Irish talk.
-He cooks for you.
-Treats you like his princess.
-Got you a red riding hood costume for fun.
-Flustered Wolfie hides hides his face when he blushes.
-Far too shy for anything.. Suggestive.
-Late night cuddles.
-Random tail wags.
-He bear hugs you at random.
-Lots of flannel shirts.
-Growls at your mail man.
-Childish and dorky squeals.
-Nature documentaries.
-He takes up you whole bed.
-Smokes dog treats on rare occasions.
-Lots of kisses on the forehead. (Since he's far more taller than you)
-He's very warm, so you cling to him.
-He smells like the woods and sometimes has twigs in his hair.
-He works out a lot.
-Wolf puns make him annoyed.



-Random gifts he made himself.
-Random webs in corners of your house.
-Random Plushes he made.
-Spider leg cuddles.
-He'll wrap you in a web while you sleep to make sure you're comfortable.
-Nothing s*xual at all. You don't want him to eat you afterward do you?
-Tea every morning.
-Random British cursing.
-Books. Lots and lots of books.
-Alone time. Fear keeps himself secluded.
-Tapping from his many legs.
-Bugs in the fridge.
-House spiders aren't a problem.
-He'll braid your hair with his legs.
-Random notes from him.
-Hugs from behind.
-He'll cuddle you while asleep.
-Judgemental stares.
-Kisses are rare. But rewarding.
-Antivenin in every room.
-Fear is nocturnal.
-He watches over the house while you sleep.
-Kind of watches you sleep...?
-Tosses his trench coat over you if you fall asleep on the couch.



-Things catching on fire.
-Bad tempers.
-Black feathers in your bed.
-Angry cursing at the microwave.
-Burnt kisses.
-Fire when he sneezes.
-Scoffing and sarcasm.
-Stomping of heels.
-Brushing his wings for him since he can't reach em.
-Random cuddles when he's mad to calm down.
-Pet name is angel for you.
-Very warm hugs.
-Flirtatious at times.
-Loves it when you let his horns.
-Stomach nuzzles.
-Wings are your new blanket now.
-He hates your dad/uncle/brother.
-Video game rage.
-Spicy foods.
-Not into... 'That'.. *eye twitches*
-Very protective over you.
-B*tch slaps to anyone who makes you cry.
-Cupid, Romeo, and Amour visit a lot. To which, he facepalms.

Idk I got bored. And idk what to write.

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