Sweet demise.

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Alternate title/title's: 'Join us' 'Time to share the happiness!'

Usually I can't think of titles, let alone three.

If you know who Sugarberry or the rest of the Tricksters are, then this'll make since.

I learned about em yesterday and I love the idea for it. ^w^


Cupid was off doing his job like he did everyday, however, he didn't expect a visitor today.

Wednesday's were usually pretty quiet, giving him time to catch up with all of his paper work.

Some papers would go to Lockheart's mail box, or Romeo's. Hardly any would go to Amour's, but since Cupid feared for relationships to fall into the angel of blood's grasps, he hid them in a locked drawer.

Cupid had taken his glasses off once the doors bell rang, meaning that customer had walked in.

They were humming to themselves, some sweet toon that even Cupid himself didn't recognize.

A skeleton monster taller than him by a few inches had stopped in front of his desk, them wearing a bright orange tee with purple puffy pants and a large blue bow on the back of their neck.

It was strange.. They had blueberries on the sides of the skull? Huh. What au are you from? Cupid thought.

"Hey there! What can I help you with?" Cupid asks, shoving his paper work into a basket under his desk, sitting up with a smile on his face.

The skeleton smiled back and reached their hand out. "I'm Sugarberry! You're Cupid right?"

Cupid tilted his head.. Sugarberry? He thought he had heard that name before.. He can't put his finger on it.

He shrugged his shoulders and shook his hand. "Yeah! Its nice to meet a new face! You have no idea how boring it gets!"

Sugarberry smiles, it being slightly sinister. "You won't have to worry about that any longer~! Everyone deserves to be happy!"

His grip tightened, grabbing his wrist with incredible strength.

Cupid winced from the strong grip, only to suddenly get a warm feeling in his chest.

Sugarberry smirked, watching the angel in front of him crumble to the floor, coughing up pink sparkly sprinkles.

"My work here is done! Take the rest of the day off, you deserve it. Cupcake~!" Sugarberry giggles to himself and leaves the small pink office.


Hallow had been sitting on the couch, stuffing his mouth with the famous stripped candy of Halloween times while watching some corny vampire films.

"Oh come on! That's not how it works!!" He yells, flopping to the side of the couch, furrowing his brows.

"This is so stupid." Hallow rolls his eyes and tosses more candy into his mouth, hearing the front door open.

He sits up again and sees Cupid shutting and locking it behind him, putting the key away in his new puffy shorts.

"Heya Cupid. VWhy are you home so early?" Hallow asks, leaning over the back of the couch.

"And vwhat the hell are you wearing? You look like a cupcakes love child!" Hallow laughs, wiping a tear from his eye.

Cupid only slowly turns to him with a very large grin, it creeping the bat out.

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