Siren's prize.

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Part two to Dark Waters. I'm surprised you all liked the chapter even tho you didn't know what he looked like or his name.


You had woken up with a sudden coughing fit, lake water spilled out of your lungs and onto the sandy floor.

It was cold.. Were you in a cave? It seemed like it. The cave walls being  a deep black, the sand under you golden, the water at the edge of the sand was a light blue.

Where were you? All you could remember was that.. 'Thing' killing your friends then taking you under the water.

Had you hit your head? It sure felt like it. You looked down at your body for any injuries.

Your legs had various scratched lining them, a few cuts were on your arms. And your shirt was ripped from the claw cuts down your hips from that thing grabbing you.

One thing stood out to you, there was a massive blue green thorn pierced into your thigh. It bled, but your leg was numb.

"I see that you're awake my dear."  A voice purrs, making you look up and back away into a corner.

At the edge of the water, was the beast from before, his face clean now, no longer covered in blood.

He had massively sharp teeth, a few of them stuck out from the others, he was picking at them with a toothpick.

A crown sat on his head the jewels being aquamarine like his eyes and tail, which was swaying behind him.

Oh, he couldn't leave the water... Could he?

"Where am I!? Who the hell are you!?" You held your knees to your chest.

He shakes his head, tossing the tooth pick away over his shoulder. "Simple darling. You're under the lake of course, in my little home to be exact.~"

Even if his teeth were sharper then any blade, he was rather pretty for a male.

"As for me, I am Bryce the only male siren of my kind.~" He chuckles propping his head up in his hands as he stared at you.

"A-are you g-going to e-eat me?" You ask, trembling under his gaze.. He was huge.. If he had legs you would have thought he'd be at least eight feet tall.

He probably could kill you with his tail in one swipe. The ends of his fins were covered in the same barbs that was in your thigh.

"Oh please. You would have already been ripped to shreds by now if I was hungry. But lucky for you! I just ate.~" He giggles in a sadistic way.

You felt your heart drop.. He was talking about your dead friends.. He ate them..

"Tell my Darling, what brought you to my lake without warning? ~" His eyes scanned your body and he had licked his teeth with his barbed tongue. Almost like a cats.

You gulped. "Me and my friends are going to camp for the weekend.. But.. They wanted to swim.."

"And you did not?"

"N-no.. I.. I have aquaphobia.." You admit, looking away from his hungry gaze.

"Ah~ Why? A little water never hurt anybody. ~ Well... That's not true! Everyone who steps foot here I chomp their legs off!" He cackles falling back into the water, making it splash on you.

You let out a shriek and stumbled back against the cave wall, the water was freezing.

Bryce only chuckles at your reaction, leaning against one of the many rocks by the waters edge. How were his clothes perfectly dry?

"Oh! Darling you are too much! That was the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while!"  He cackles. "Well, other than that child who thought I was a mermaid!"

He covers his mouth with a webbed hand and giggles like a creepy kid in a horror film.

"What are you going to do with me..?" You ask him, still frightened yet freezing at the cold water that had gotten splashed on you.

He simply smiles a shark toothed grin at you. "I'm keeping you of course~! It does get rather boring down here.. Although the screams of the damned are rather entertaining, but it does get old.~"

Were you just supposed to be his plaything? And be fine with it!?

He looked over your legs again. "Oops. It seems on the way down here you brushed against my tail.. Not a problem! I just have to get that out of there!"

"I'm not letting you touch me you sadist bastard!" You tucked your legs closer to your body, facing your back to him.

"Darling, I wouldn't fight me on this. These little barbs of mine are rather venomous! If we don't get that out soon, you'll loose that leg. Its numb by now, isn't it?" He genuinely sounded a little concerned.

You sighed and nodded.

"I thought so! That's one of the side effects, next is loss of blood flow. Leaving your skin a sickening shade of purple, then it'll wither away and pop like a bag of blood!" He clapped his hands as his eyes sparked in delight. 

As much as you didn't want him to touch you or even be near you.. You knew he had to get the barb out.

His smile widens, showing the second row of razors he calls teeth as you slowly scooted closer to him.

Once you were close enough, he grabbed your ankles and pulled them into the water, making you yelp loudly.

He chuckles and pins your hips down, his piercing eyes scanned over your body until they landed on the spine in your thigh.

Since his arms were occupied with keeping you from kicking him, he leaned down, his teeth grazing your skin... Cutting into it easily like butter.

You closed your eyes and winced as he ripped the barb out with his teeth, he simply spit it out into the water beside him.

"There! All better! Although the look of pain on your face was absolutely amazing! You're so cute in pain.~" He pulls away from you and floats lazily on his back in the water.

You quickly pull your legs out of the freezing and possibly dirty water and sit on the sand, far from him as possible.


The numbness in your leg was starting to fade as the minutes ticked by, the wound healing.

Bryce continued to watch you, making you roll on your side and look away from him.

He only chuckles and leans on his arms as his eyes scan your backside.

What have you gotten yourself into?


Bryce suddenly has a small coughing fit, making you look over your shoulder at him.

He hacks and a police badge falls onto the sand next to you.

"Oops! I knew I shouldn't have had police as a snack!"

Your eye twitches in disgust.

End. (I hope you guys like him. UwU he's an older oc that got revamped two years later.)

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