Headcannon- Secrets.

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Ya wanted to know some of their secrets? Well, your welcome.

(Above, if its there, is a sticker I made)

Cupid: (this one may be surprising)

Cupid won't admit it, but he secretly dislikes the color pink. He says it gets tiring, and its too bright.

One rare sight is seeing him wearing black, he says it fits his body better. (Making him look slimmer)

Another secret is, that he dislikes romance, seeing all of the happy couples he makes all the time makes him envious.

Don't get him wrong, he loves his job. He just hates seeing the kissing ... All of that lip locking makes him sick.

That is another reason why he keeps a good eye on who his creator is seeing, whether the person being real, or fictional.

This is probably why Creator chan is a single Pringle. And she isn't interested in romance, unless the character is fictional.


Hallow, although being a vampire, secretly hates the taste of blood. It makes him gag.

He says it tastes horrible, which is why he uses a substitute, that being the color red.

He'll drink blood only if he absolutely had too. But afterwards he'll be brushing his teeth, and rinsing off his tongue, to get rid of the taste.


Coby is secretly afraid of spiders. Yes believe it or not, he has arachnophobia.

If there is a spider in the house he'll yell for someone else to stomp it.

This is another reason why he keeps his distance from Fear, Fear freaks him out, like why does he have so many legs and eyes!?

If Fear himself is in the same room as him, Coby will sit as far away from him as possible, or make up a random excuse to leave.

Fear finds this rude, but he just shakes it off, quite used to others being scared of him.

Coby screams like a baby girl when he runs into a cob web, he'll flail his arms and strip to his underwear just to get it off of him. He'll make a beeline for the bathroom shoving anyone out of the way, just so he can shower the spiderwebs off.

Sometimes.. Fear puts them in door ways on purpose, just to hear Coby's girly scream, its the only thing that makes him laugh.


Although he gets extremely flustered by the attention girls give him, he secretly likes it.

He loves the attention, and he'll squeal in joy, wagging his tail when Creator makes a fanfic or him.

He just wants to be showered in kisses and hugs. Why? Because when he was Created, he was a lone wolf, kind of rude to others, his personality shifted when he was showered in love from all of Creator chan's followers.

Without you guys, his personality would have been very, very different.

He thanks you for that, with his arms open.

Give this attention loving wolf a hug, won't you?


Lockheart may be a hot head, who hates everyone, but he secretly likes his youngest siblings presence.

Amour may scare him, but he likes how chill he can be, while tied down.

He and Amour hang out more often then you'd think.

Amour would still slice Locks throat open if he touched his senpai, but he likes having the tsundere around.

Lock's the only one who let's Amour roam the house, without his blindfold. His arms are still chained though, just in case.

If Amour does anything bad, Lock takes the blame, he'll do anything to keep his baby brother out of trouble.

They watch obsession movies all the time when Cupid isn't around, although he loves his baby bro, he'll admit the creepy smirks he gets while watching the movies, scares him.


Fear may be secretly sadistic.. He loves seeing  others fear him, he smirks at them creepily on purpose, he loves the screams.

He threatens them for fun, the way they run from him, hide from him, always makes him smile.

He'll corner one of them, then leave with a smirk.

Maybe horrortale would be more fun, if he took a vacation there for a while.

Another secret is that Fear is just a nickname. 

Bonus ~~~~~~~~


Romeo is secretly self-conscious. I don't know if you noticed, but have you seen how his outfits have become less and less revealing?

Well.. That's because of his birthmarks. Those hearts aren't just on his cheeks you know.

Yep. A Cupid copy secret, (that goes for all of them) are covered in those hearts they have. Which is why Cupid wears gloves, Amour having long sleeves, and Lock wearing a jacket.

From neck to ribs to pelvis to thighs.

Romeo has the most markings, all over.

They end in swirls, almost like Ink sans and his markings. But they glow their magic color.

Romeo is embarrassed if you point these out, but I know that the reader would love to see them.. Sinner.

You can see them on his neck though, when he takes off his choker.

They glow when they blush.~

(A secret nickname for him is- Sexy cupid.)


Amour doesn't keep secrets, he wants everyone to know that he's twisted.

And they do.

But, one secret that he has, is that he is Cupids twin, before he grew obsessive, he and Cupid were the same. But, pink and blue. Until Amour decided that crimson looked better on him.

He grew obsessive, when he and Cupid made a happy couple with their arrows, and.. Later one the male in the relationship grew obsessed with the girl.

Teaching Amour bad habits. He learned was possession and obsession meant.. And he loved it.

He started to turn other relationships to obsession, Cupid stopped him, saying that obsession wasn't true love.

They fought over it. And Cupid ended up having to lock Amour away.

Amour still thinks about what it used to be.. But the memory always gets set aside when his eyes rest on his beloved blade.

Welp.. I hope you enjoyed ~ They have plenty of secrets, but they'll never tell you about them.

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