Seasonal disaster. (Final.)

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Someone asked if the elements were affected by their monthly. And yes they are, they are male monsters after all.


Where you safe anywhere? Hard telling. Cyrus grabbed your things and hoisted you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as he flew you over to the elemental princes.

Landing down on the bed rock which was slightly burnt, you both stood at the sign post, pointed in four different directions.

"Who do you wish to stay with?"  Cyrus asks, seeming annoyed and slightly over heating from the magma from Igniter's rivers.

"Um.. Aspen?" You reply, not really caring anymore. But Aspen was probably the best bet, he wouldn't talk your ear off or burn you. Maybe Octavian is with him?

"Understood." He types something on his hologram screen before it disappears again. "Message received. He is on his way. Farewell, and stay out of trouble. I am not your babysitter."  He sends you one last side glare as he hovered out of the woods.

You roll your eyes. "I didn't ask you to help me you tsundere toaster!" You call after him, even though you knew he was ignoring you.

The clicking of hooves caught your attention, making you turn to face the slender deer, the buck stopped in front of you.

He bowed his head before morphing into the earth element himself. "Hello y/n, dear. What brings you here?"

"All the guys are going through a heat wave or something.. Creator wanted me as far as possible so I'm not a breeding toy." You say with a frown, sick of them all hitting on you. Or maybe that was just the long journey here with a tsundere toaster.

You don't think you've seen Aspen's face so green before. The jade of color fading to the back of his skull, but it was bright as ever on his cheek bones.

"I.. I- *ahem* I see. W-well.. R-rest assured! You'll be safe with m-me!" He bashfully smiles, fiddling with his scarf.

He mentally counts to ten then let's out a deep breath. "Come with me."


Finally, you could relax without worrying about getting touched by the grabby hands of your roommate's. Plus, the tea was amazing.

"Aspen.. How old are you?" You ask, turning your head to the earth element who was sketching one of the new flowers he's found today.

"Hmm.. In human years? Or my actual age?" He asks, never taking his eyes off the page, green tongue sticking out as he drew.

Funny.. The tip of his tongue has a leaf pattern. Weird. Neat.

"Um.. Both I guess? I'm just asking cause Creator said Amour was too young to go through this yet, but he was acting a little weird." You face the ceiling fan above you again.

"Well, as you know we are quadruplets. Meaning we're all the same age, just a few minuets apart. I am about.. Hmm.. We are about two thousand now? Give or take." He hums.

"But in human years  I'd.. We'd be in our early twenties?" He nods and writes the name of the flower then faces you.

"Meaning yes. We are of age for... That.. Unfortunately. But I wouldn't worry about it, it hasn't happened in some time, unless something triggers it. Then we all, one after the other, have it at the same time." Aspen tucks his glasses in his pockets.


Aspen tilts his head. "What has caused you to use fowl language?"

"I'm on my period."





"Oh dear."


Well.. Aspen nests.

Using every flower he could find he made a massive nest in the living room, he made you sit in the middle of it. Growling at you if you wanted to move.

Aspen sat behind you, you in his lap as his vines wrapped around your arms lacking thorns as to not hurt you.

He had his face buried in your neck, making cute purring sounds as he sat there with his eyes closed.

Did I mention he braided your hair? And that he was really good at it? He put many red roses laced in the h/c locks on your head.

A knock on the door made him growl and his vines tighten around you. "What!?"

"Um.. Aspen? I feel funny.. Do you have any home remedies?" Octavian's voice cracked.

You badly wanted to hug the sad tol bean. He needed it, but Aspen grit his teeth.

"No. Go away." He hisses like a cat and tosses the blankets over your heads.

"Open the f**kin door pot head!" Igniter had already kicked the door in with a blazing boot. His body heat was raging, so much so that one of the house plants turned to ash.

"Hey! So there's everyone! About time I join in on the party! Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Alistair chuckles weakly.

The blanket was ripped off your head and you were met with three pairs of dilated eyelights.

"What the f**k is she doing here?" Igniter hisses, clenching his fist as his side.

"I said go away!" Aspen slaps him with a vine. Gritting his teeth in anger which you've never seen the gentle element have before.

"Oh it is on!" You're suddenly pushed to the side as the fire element tackles Aspen to the floor, the two of them throwing punches.

Someone had pulled you into their chest, they smelled if palm leaves and sea shells.. Your eyes meet dilated ocean blues.

He just stares down at you before lightly hugging you, his face in your hair, sniffing it and letting out a content sigh. "I was wondering what the smell was."

Alistair rolls his eyes and grabs a bucket of water, pouring it on Igniter's back, he screeched and jumps off Aspen.

"Would you all stop it!? What is going on?" He asks, crossing his arms and tapping his heel on the now wet floor.

Octave didn't seemed to mind. He just kept taking in your scent. Purring slightly.

"You mean you aren't feeling it to bird brain!?" Igniter hisses, throwing his wet coat on the floor, steam coming off his head.

"I admit I feel a little bit light headed and a bit warm, but no..?"

Igniter face palms.

Aspen crosses his arms. "Hold her for a second please."

Octavian narrows his eyes at the air element. "No."


"No." He sticks his tongue out, it was light blue with an ocean swirl.

Alistair made an attempt to grab your shoulders, only for Octavian to pull up his ice shield and run out of the house with you.

Damn it.

(I love writing these) XD

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