Elemental suitors.

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Elements x Princess! Reader.

Why? Cuz I felt like it.

Also, the art above is made by an amazing artist. (I absolutely love it. If its there)


Your birthday had just passed, you were now eighteen. And of course, since you were a princess your mother wanted to arrange your wedding as soon as possible.

You though, didn't want to get married at such a young age. You already hated wearing poofy dresses all the time.

You did not want to be seen in a wedding dress ever.

But of course your mother didn't listen to you, and she had already set up an arrangement for you to meet your future husband.

You stood in the hall with arms crossed as your mother adjusted your hair. "Mom, I don't even know them! You can't just expect me to fall in love with someone in a day!"

"Shush y/n! I am fixing your hair so you look presentable for the princes! The Queen of Creations should be here any time now!" She claps her hands.

"I'm sure one of her sons will make a fine husband. I'm not getting any younger, and we need our family to last generations!" She sets your tiara on your head and pulls you to the throne room.


You sat in your small throne next to your mom, slouching with a frown. You hated this.

Two knights opened the double doors as a red carpet rolled across the floor.

"King and Queen l/n, we are happy to welcome the Queen of Creations! " They bow and move aside to reveal a short woman dressed in a violet laced dress, her hands were behind her, her boots clicked on the stone floor.

Her hair was short and cupped her face, two red shining horns split her bangs apart.

A scarlet pair of glasses rested on her nose, she sent you a wink then looked to your parents.

"Mr and Mrs y/n, it has been a while has it not? I remember watching over little y/n when she was a tot."

You lift a brow.

"Now, let me introduce you to my sons. Come now my boys." She smiles and turns.

One tall male dressed in black and red stood before you, his golden crown laced with rubies, matching his eyes. He was a skeleton monster, he didn't seem too thrilled to be here.

The room suddenly felt warmer to you.

A medium sized male entered the throne room, dressed in green and tan robes. Long, slender vines dangled at the sides of his skull, pink tulips bloomed at the ends of the vines.

He sent you a smile and bowed.

The next, was slightly shorter than the previous prince. He wore sky blue and gold, his golden crown laced with pearls.

Brilliant wings laid flat against his back, their feathers tinted a light yellow that remained you of the sun.

He seemed really happy to he here, he was vibrating slightly.

And finally, the last hid his face timidly. His coat shined a bright blue as it covered his short body. His crown was a fresh gold littered with sapphires.

He kept his gaze to the floor as he nervously fiddled with his fingers.

They were quadruplets!?

"Princess y/n, I'd like you to meet my sons. My oldest, Igniter."

The grouchy one took a step forward and bowed. "I want you to know lady y/n, that I do not want to be here."

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