Are you scared of me now?

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Fear x reader since for some reason everyone has a crush on him.

I learned that from the questions chapter. :3 I can't remember if I used the pic above or not. Oh well.

Btw: It's not just Hallow who's changed, I'm working on their redesigns rn. ;)


Ever since you could remember you've had a bad case of Arachnophobia.

Spiders freaked you out, all those eyes burning into your soul, all of those gross hairy legs.. The fangs always waiting to sink into your veins to bleed you dry, the poison taking over you and leaving you numb while they crawled over you.

It was a common fear, not everyone loved spiders, not like Hallow did. Hallow was your bat eared friend who had a pet tarantula.

He would quickly hide her away in his room before you would come over, you've only seen her once and she gave you a panic attack.

It didn't matter if she had a pink bow or not.

Cupid had to calm you down, each of your friends helped you through your panic attacks. All but one.

Sebastian was their sixth roommate, his nickname was Fear, which was odd. There was nothing to fear from him as far as you knew.

You've only encountered him once or twice, he was a short skeleton monster, wearing a navy blue trenchcoat with a red turtleneck underneath it. Grey pants and a soft comfortable pair of boots.

Why was he called fear though? You had no idea. He seemed normal enough, you couldn't tell what kind of hybrid he was either.

Everyone in the mansion was spliced with something, Cupid an angel, Hallow a bat, Coby a lamia, Asher a wolf, and Lockheart a fallen angel.

But what was Fear?

He had fanged lips, hiding his teeth. Two lavender eyes that seemed to always be judging you mentally.

He also had this strange symbol on his forehead, which was almost hourglass shaped.

He mostly kept to himself, reading in the quietness of his room, sipping a cup of tea while he read the various books he had.

He didn't talk much, but when he did he had a soft British voice, it was slightly creepy.

Anytime you would try and speak to him, he would step away from you and leave the room.

Maybe he didn't like humans? Or did he just hate you? Their mother was slightly human, just with horns.

Was it something you said?

"Don't worry about him too much, he's always been like that! I swear we don't even notice he lives here sometimes!" Cupid would say trying to cheer you up with a pat on the back.

Fear always struck an interest in you, you wanted to know everything about the cute little shortie of the house.

You decided to try and speak with him today, get to know him a bit better.

After Jasper gave you a small tour, he had led you to Fear's bedroom door. It was navy blue with a silver handle, old fashioned with a F on in the center of the door.

A shiver went down your back at the fake spider hanging from the bottom of the F, with a little webbing.

Maybe his name was Fear because he could be creepy? He would always sneak into rooms without you knowing, there was always an odd tapping sound above you, but Cupid told you it was just the house settling or it was Hallow hanging from the ceiling fan.

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