Senpai. Do NOT ignore me.

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Joke fanfic, I got bored and I thought it'd be funny. *shrugs*

Not a shipping. Just Amour being clingy.

Fun fact: Amour was based off Yuno Gasai. He acts like her while the blindfold is off.


Amour was in his room, in the basement. Enjoying the coldness of the room, and his anime that played in the background.

He was currently watching Diabolik Lovers.

Then he suddenly got an idea.

"Hmm.. It seems that Creator-chan loves vampires.. She did make one after all.. I wonder.. Do other girls like them as much as her?" He thought.

Then a smile rose on his face. "I want to be one too! Then everyone would want me! And I can be just like Ayato Sakamaki!!!" He squeals.

He puts his hand on his chin. "If I'm going to become one.. I'll need Hallow-kun to bite me.."

He suddenly smiles. "Challenge excepted!"


Hallow yawned and stretched his wings as he opened the fridge to raid it for a midnight snack.

"Vwhy is there so many cupcakes in here? Jeeze, if I eat any more of these I'll be to heavy to fly.." He gags and looks for something less sweet.


Hallow jumps and hits his skull on the freezer door. "Ow! Amour vwhat have we told you about popping out of nowhere?"

"Sorry, I just have something to ask you." Amour sat on the kitchen island, swinging his feet slightly.

Hallow rolled his eyes, taking the box of strawberries out of the bottom drawer, he turns and shuts the fridge behind him.

"Vwhat do you vwant psycho?" Hallow asks, impaling a strawberry with one of his long fangs.

Amour smiles. "Can you bite me?"

Hallow suddenly spits the fruit on the floor, staring at the angel of blood with wide eyes. "Vwhat?"

"Baka. I asked if you would bite me?"

Hallow shook his head. "Vwhat kind of kinky sh*t are you into? You know vwhat, don't tell me. And no!"

Amour's smile falls. "But I want you too. I want to be like you!"

Hallow lifts a brow. "Like me? You mean a vampire right? No. You're already scary enough." He pats Amours head and walks out of the kitchen.

Amour huffs and hops off the kitchen island. "I will not be ignored Hallow-san!"

Hallow rolled his eyes and made the bla bla blah hand motion before flying to his room.

Amour grit his teeth. "I'll stalk you, I'll haunt you, let's see you say no when I won't leave you alone."


The next day, Hallow woke up and quickly fell of his bed when he saw Amour standing over him.

"Vwhat the actual f**k!?"

"Can you bite me now?"

"Hell no!" Hallow hisses, getting off the floor. "Vwhy do you vwant to be a vampire for anyway?"

Amour bashfully smiles. "I want to be like Ayato Sakamaki! All the ladies go crazy for vampires!"

"I don't even know vwhat half of that even meant. But no, you don't need to become a vampire, I'm not going to turn you." Hallow crosses his arms and walks out of his room.

Amour frowns. "Yowamushi..."

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