Cyber heartthrob.

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Stripper! Cyrus x reader.

Why? I have no idea. Prepare to have a nosebleed.

*~For more fangirling squeals, imagine Cyrus doing the go hard meme dance.~*


Since you had just turned twenty two, your friends decided it would be hilarious to take you to a 'club'.

At first you thought, you all would get a few drinks and dance a little. Until, you realised that it wasn't your usual club..

Many half naked monsters and humans danced on the stages, making your face burn pink as you tried to avoid any eye contact.

At the bar stood a bartender, she had two horns on her head, her red sparkly dress shined in the stage lights.

"Are you alright hun?" She asks, setting a glass aside.

You nod weakly. "Yeah.. I don't really want to be here.. Its.. Super awkward.."

She laughs. "Oh its okay honey, just enjoy yourself. Your birthday just passed didn't it?"

"..uh how did you know that?"

She smiles. "Its better if you don't ask that.~"

You lift your brow. "Ooookay then."

Suddenly the crowd began to squeal loudly nearly scaring you off your seat.

"What are they so happy about?" You yell over the loud music.

"Oh, Cy is just coming out on stage, the ladies go crazy when its his turn to dance.~" She winks to the forth wall that you didn't even notice had a crack in it.

"What's so great about him?" You ask, eyeing the lighting up stage to your right.

"He's the best, dancing is in his code! I should know I programmed him! Plus, robots are sexy for some reason..." She giggles to herself.

"You should sit and relax, enjoy the show.~" She smirks.

You shrug your shoulders and take a sip of your drink then turn to the stage.

The curtains opened as the room went dark and a very tall skeleton walked out on the stage.

His body glowed a neon aqua green, he kept his eyes down as he walked out on the stage.

The crowd went silent as he opened his eyes, them glowing intently.

He suddenly smirked, revealing his sharp fangs, making your heart flutter as he ripped his half jacket off and tossed it.

It actually landed in your lap, despite all the girls chasing after it.

You held it close to your chest so none of the other girls would rip it to shreds. It actually smelled of mind and polished metal.

Meanwhile, the skeleton on stage sent a smirk to you then he quickly turned to face the ladies in the front row.

(I have no idea how to write dancing scenes....)

Who knew that a metal skeleton could swing upside down? You sure didn't.

He was extremely flexible too, hanging upside down with his arms crossed.

The ladies only screamed louder, throwing money on the stage. And lots of it.

(All I can imagine is 'Drop it' playing  XD)

He jumped off the pole and began to walk across the tables, his metal heels glowed with green lighting bolts.

Your face was burning. Now you knew why all he was the most popular.. He was skilled. Very skilled.

Cute too.

No, scratch that.

Hot too.

The music stopped as he hopped off one of the tables and landed in the splits.

Which made you wince.

The crowd went crazy and threw even more dollars at him.

He sent them one last wink as the stage lights shut off, introducing the next dancer.

He stood from his splitting position and gathered the dollars and put them in his belt.

He noticed your staring and he smiled taking a seat next to you.

Creator just giggled and handed him a napkin to wipe his face.

He thanked her then leaned on the counter and smirked at you. "Did you enjoy the show sweething?"

You blushed, unable to speak as you handed him his jacket.

"I'll take that as a yes. Thank you, all I did though was do what I was built for.~He winks, slipping his jacket back on.

"So, what brings you here? New comer? Or a regular?" 

You shake your head, snapping out of your small trance. "My friends took me here for my birthday. I don't know why, they're weird.." You face palm for your voice cracking.

Cyrus chuckles. "If you think they're strange. You should see the people I'm forced to live with."

You laugh along with him, still having a faint blush on your cheeks.

"So, what's your name?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, its y/n. Nice to meet you Cyrus." You leave your hand out, but all he does is kiss your knuckles.

"Y/n huh? That was my mother's name."

"Really?" You blush and pull your hand back.

"I actually have no idea. I went on a Frankenstein rampage and killed the scientist that built me."

You stare at him with wide eyes.

"I'm joking! I actually have no idea who my mother was.. Anyway, enough about me. Let's hear more about you.~"


You and Cyrus really hit it off, joking about random things and stupid stories.

Your phone suddenly beeped and you unlocked it to read the text.

"Ugh... Seriously?"

"What's the matter sweetie?"

You frown. "My stupid, drunk, friends left without me..."

"No worries, I can walk you home if you want." He stands with his hand out. "That is, if you want to."

You smile, taking his hand. "Thank you, I was afraid that I was going to have to walk home alone like a fanfic cliché and then a sudden weirdo would pop up."

He looks at you oddly. "Rriiight..." 

He takes your hand in his and walks you out of the club.


Finally on your porch, you handed Cyrus his jacket for the second time tonight.

"Thanks for walking me home Cy, that was sweet of you."

"Any time, I should be getting back, you never know when they want an encore."  He chuckles and kisses your forehead.

"Night sweetheart. ~" He winks and struts the other way.

You shake your head with a smile and enter your house, leaning against the door with a dorky smile on your face.

Damn that cyber heartthrob...


(Just so you know, Creator chan was laughing the whole time.)

No, Cyrus isn't going to act like this in the future. I just got the idea when someone commented on swapping him with Romeo.  ;3

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