Camping s-s-sucks.

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Coby x reader. He needs more fanfics even if he has almost no fangirls. XD

Inspired off of a x listener thing I listened to a couple days ago.

Pic above if its there was a pain in the a** to make, I used a base to help me. I can't draw -_-


You and your best friend Coby decided to go camping for the weekend, just to spend time together since you both had been really busy at your jobs recently.

But, you both slept in his car since he forgot the tent last minuet, but at least it was warm and he played music.

It had rained last night, which caused the car to get banged up a bit, p*ssing off our gorgon to the max once he got out and had to get all of the pinecones and leaves out of his windshield.

You stepped out of the car and stretched, throwing on a hoodie you looked back at him.

He wore a sleepmask while he slept, just to keep you from seeing his eyes. Why was it pink? You'll never know. Must have been Cupid's or his moms.

He snored with his snakes piled up in a large coil on his head, them making soft snores too. It was too cute.

You smile then shut the car door to go and find some dry wood or sticks, if there was some from the storm last night.


Strangely enough, you had found some fallen limbs and sticks that were dry, don't question fanfiction logic.

After starting a fire and tossing a few marshmallows in there, Coby was up not a moment later.

He tiredly sat next to you and shook his head to wake up all of the vipers on his head, the hissed and some of them bit him, so he wore a beanie hat to cover them up.

"Mornin' y/n." He smiles laying his head on your shoulder, you blush even though he's done this countless of times.

"Morning Coby, did I wake you up?" You ask, patting his back with a bashful smile.

You see, you've fallen for your best friend, but your nerves got the best of you, preventing you from telling him.

He yawns revealing his snake fangs, which were retracted currently. And fork tongue. "Nah, you didn't wake me. Don't worry about it."

He suddenly stands and stretches his arms and long legs, his neck pops which causes him to make an awkward noise that makes your cheeks burn.

"Why don't we fish for s-s-something? Y'know for lunch?" He asks, replacing his sleep mask for his scarlet sunglasses.

"Sure." You smile, trying hard to fight off that blush, him being this close to you wasn't helping.


After about an hour, you already caught a dozen of them, each one being bigger then the last.

Coby signed in frustration. "Oh I hate you. Why do the fish like you so much?"

You giggled at his small fit. "Maybe they think you smell bad."

"I took a shower before we got here! F**k you fish, f**k you!" He hisses and throws a rock into the water.

"Yeah, curse at the fish. Like that's gonna help." You tease with a wink, his cheeks burn purple.

"Oh I'll show you! Hang on, hold my shades!" He tosses his sunglasses in your lap then bends down by the water's edge.

He takes a deep breath and ducks his head under the water.

"What the hell are you doing?" You laugh. "Bryce doesn't live in there anymore, he's in the pool."

Coby rises his head out of the water, a trout in his mouth, while each of his snakes had catfish dangling from them.

He spits the trout into the bucket. "Whos a smarta** now!?" He chuckles and shakes all of the water off him like a dog.

Each of his vipers shake the cat fish off of them, and into the bucket.

Except Greenie, she ate one.

"Eww, now you smell like fish a**. you chuckle.

He laughs and puts his sunglasses back on, only to chase you with a cat fish. "Kiss me baby!"

"Eww no!" You run from him, giggling as you ran like an idiot.

"Give me a smooch!" He laughs dangling the fish as he chased you with it.


After running for a good twenty minuets, Coby tossed the fish back into the water.

The rain has started again, making you both run into his car and shut the doors.

"Why does weather hate us?" You laugh, propping your head up to smile at your monster crush.

Coby shrugs his shoulders and looks over to you, his arms behind his head. "Igniter probably made Octavian cry."

You nod, nodding your head to the music he had playing on the radio. Today was the last day of your camping, you'd have to go back home soon to your shared apartment.

"Y/n... Can I ask you s-s-something?" He asks, a pastel purple blush on his cheeks.

"You just did dork." You smile turning to face him.

He rolls his eyes behind his shades and grabs your hand. "I.. Know thiss   might be weird coming from me.. But.. " He sighs.

"You know what, f**k it." He mutters and crawls out of his seat and plops himself on your lap, your eyes widen as your cheeks flush.

He smirks at your flustered expression, then he leans down and presses his fangs to your lips, his silver one being colder then the rest of them.

You wrap your arms around his scaly neck, the scales being soft against your wrists.

He chuckles and you felt his fork tongue run across your lip, making you squeak.

During you small make out session, he was clearly the dominate one, he chuckles and pulls back, shades reflecting your flustered face.

Yeah, camping sucked, but he made it fun.

End..? The rest is to your imagination, this was for the person who said they might read a lemon for Coby. This is as close are you're gonna get. :3

Outcast oneshot book.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon